Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

June 29th, 2012

12:01 am - [info]kevinrkiley

Home for A-Ry?

12:58 am - [info]_radiantrain

Evan Bourne, Seth Rollins to [info]shootspot Also looking for someone for this girl. Can be someone new or someone already in game. I'm not picky on who as long as they mesh well together.

01:47 am - [info]maddoxknowsbest

I know where this guy is going. Any chance I can get Ryan Nemeth, Bo Rotundo, Shaul Guerrero, Paige and more FCW kinfolk to join me? [info]lovebizarre

02:28 am - [info]ebisch

Searching for a storyline partner for Eric.

Serious inquiries only please.

03:48 am - [info]tarterrell

Anyone have a home for Taryn?

03:51 am - [info]hardymatthew

[info]bigevent Jeff Hardy.

03:52 am - [info]danielco

Home for this guy?

03:58 am - [info]aronareihr

Home for Tamina Snuka?

10:54 am - [info]vincent_kennedy

I know that this is a long shot but I am looking for a storyline for the man in the icon above. He has a well established home but needs someone to be happy with. It could be someone in the game or someone outside of it.

12:11 pm - [info]jamieszan

Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore to [info]bigevent!

06:39 pm - [info]frima

Home or psl?

09:37 pm - [info]laurenlove

home or a psl? and while i'm here, does anyone play tommy mercer (crimson)?

11:11 pm - [info]sedeeb

A home for Serena?
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