Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

May 31st, 2012

12:15 am - [info]johnhennigan

[info]bigevent I want a love like Cody and Randy's...

06:09 am - [info]jfelixanthony

It's six in the morning and I am wide awake. Just applied for this guy at [info]peoplepower. I'm looking for someone to play Stephanie McMahon opposite of him. I'm not looking for something quick. I want to have a relationship develop. I promise I will give you my all as long as you do the same in return.

11:59 am - [info]nnei

[info]bigevent my gismo/kingdom for a kaitlyn

01:07 pm - [info]definingmelina

[info]peoplepower Need more people to stalk please!

07:18 pm - [info]danibydesign - Also seeking S/L/Partner ideas!

When you can't find anything good on TV, you turn to the internet.

When you turn to the internet, you find your way to Insanejournal.

When you stay too long on Insanejournal, you find the dark side of the internet.

When you find the dark side of the internet, you STAY on the dark side of the internet.

When you stay on the dark side of the internet, you write sex stories with Loki and Thor.

Don't write sex stories with Loki and Thor. Join [info]lovebizarre!

girl_of_summer on AIM for plotting!
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