Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

March 5th, 2012

02:20 am - [info]mpolinsky

[info]mysteryman More FCW types and ROH peeps.

09:40 am - [info]nootherme

I know where I'm taking him, who's comin' with?


12:31 pm - [info]funsizethea

Looking for someone to come keep her company over at [info]mysterman. We're open to faces, comments are screened.

01:10 pm - [info]lloydjrpaul

Is there a home for this guy anyway? Failing that, a thread based psl or two?

04:58 pm - [info]garrettrunnels

[info]mysteryman Would it be possible at all to get Layla and Eden Stiles/Brandi to stick around? My heart is breaking here.

08:38 pm - [info]jamieisvelvet

Looking for a PSL (open to anything) for Jamie but if you are looking to play with someone else I am willing to give it a go. Just leave a comment!

10:15 pm - [info]awesomemiz

Does anyone have a home for Mike Mizanin and Nicole Bella two writers who won't be seperated :)

11:12 pm - [info]patrishstratus

[info]lovebizarre Come join in on the fun! Looking for some romance for the most dominant diva in the history of the WWE. Not picky as long as the chemistry is there. Check out who's available. Not interested in Trish? There are several eligible divas/superstars/KO's in the mix!

11:28 pm - [info]evemarie

ZACK RYDER. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY...... please come back. And stick around this time.
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