Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

August 25th, 2010

12:23 am - [info]paulml


01:13 am - [info]junkyforfame

I know celeb games are only slightly popular among a lot these days when it comes to wrestlers, and I do understand why as I've been through them a number of times, but my hope is that I could find someone willing to join [info]jonesallen over at [info]stevejobs?

12:09 pm - [info]teamorton

I've been out of action with playing WWE superstars for a little over 2 years now, but I've remained an avid fan of the programming. I'd love to get back into the swing of things, as I've missed it. I'm pretty open to which wrestlers I'd play, so if anyone has any suggestions as well as possible homes, or PSL's that they would like, that would be great! I'll do het, slash and femme.

07:10 pm - [info]missouellet

what are the odds of getting Ted DiBiase Jr over to [info]encircle for my girl?

10:09 pm - [info]lalalayla

what's a girl gotta do to get a kaval over to [info]theresilience? I am not above begging or bribing!
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