Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

August 10th, 2008

08:43 am - [info]shelly_lenore

This may be wishful thinking but...

Is there ANY chance of there being a wrestling rp community in existence that is missing a Shelly Martinez? My muse is currently homeless and is looking for a wrestling game to welcome her. Emphasis on "wrestling," because celeb groups aren't really my thing.

If not, I'm open to private storylines: either het or femme.

Interested? Comment (screened) here or send me a PM. :]

((Thank you guys, for all of your offers, but I'm all situated now.))

11:19 am - [info]indymod

[info]indyillustrated still has a ton of great PB's open for people to apply as. Come on down and join!

08:11 pm - [info]melina_nava

There are a ton of wrestler/divas/knockouts roles available at [info]starrstruck. The only roles not available are Randy Orton, Melina Perez, and Stephanie McMahon. Otherwise everyone is available.

Please come check out [info]starrstruck.
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