INDY ILLUSTRATED && a played by wrestling game.'s Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
INDY ILLUSTRATED && a played by wrestling game.

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Goodbye, Farewell, Amen... [21 Feb 2009|03:14am]

It is with extreme sadness that we report the final post for [info]indyillustrated. In a way, it was kind of inevitable but it's still very sad none the less.

Due to recent developments in the health of our main mod, we see it fit that the community finally come to a close. She can't be here to deal with the stress of having to handle the community and instead of handing this community off to someone else, she'd much rather shut it down completely as it is like a child to her. We're aware that some people will not be too pleased with this decision but you'll just have to take what you can get. We're really sorry it came to this and we appreciate all of your support through the year we've been open. You guys made this game come to life and it was a lot of fun until it became a lot of work. And even then, you guys seemed to make it a great experience.

For those of you who would like to continue the journey in your critter's career, we implore you to join the new community [info]frw, which is what this place was based off of. Essentially from what we see it's almost the same thing, so it wouldn't be too hard to set up your kid over there.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience we've caused for you all. Thank you so much for everything you've done for this community and giving us an experience we'll never forget. You guys are the best.

- [info]indymod

&& stop!! [09 Dec 2007|07:04am]

this is a members only community.
see [info]indymod for more information.

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