May. 17th, 2013


WHO: Krissy Chambers, Dean Winchester, Jesse
WHAT: Distraught Krissy goes to see Ben, Awkwardness ensues
WHEN: After her argument with dark!Jesse
WHERE: Hospital
WARNINGS: violence

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Nov. 30th, 2012


ring ihmself Who: Simon/Krissy
What: A talk about hobbies
When: November 30, 2012
Where: Krissy's Apartment
Rating:None so far
Status: Closed

Play My Music )

Jun. 24th, 2012


Who: Jesse and Krissy
What: Dinner
Where: Jesse's house
When: June 24th
Rating: TBA
Status: Closed

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Jun. 11th, 2012


WHO: Krissy & Jesse
WHAT: Reunion
WHEN: Following Jesse's post
WHERE: Jesse's

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Who: Balthazar and everyone
What: Party at Balthazar's
Where: Balthazar's house
When: June 11th, until it ends
Rating: Probably High, anything is allowed.
Status: OPEN

Instructions: Once at Balthazar's house, there will be a number of NPC's. There will be plenty of drinks, alcohol, food, but no drugs, of course. There is a large pool in the back, and anything is permitted. Please talk with each other, and if you want to thread here with someone specific, feel free! Or you could post a comment, and title it with who ever's name you want to join in. Or just title it as "Open". There is no limit to how many people reply to each person. I encourage lots of replies, and try to leave no one hanging! Thanks for your understanding!

Anything is possible, everything is permitted, and have fun! And Balthazar really doesn't care if you break things in the house, because he can repair them. Anything that is priceless and of import is, of course, out of reach.

May. 22nd, 2012


WHO: Krissy & Simon [info]sexyvampiremojo
WHAT: Distressing damsels...or something.
WHEN: following this
WHERE: Downtown, near post office to start

Meet the male equivalent of the Damsel in Distress. He's usually the sidekick to a butt-kicking Action Girl, always getting himself captured for the female lead to save. )

Apr. 27th, 2012


Who: Krissy & Jesse
What: It's a date?
When: Friday 7pm
Where: Out and about
Warnings: some sexual content

June 2015




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