Jan. 31st, 2014


Who: Bonnie, Elena and Cassie
What: Picking Cassie up
Where: Cemetery
When: Jan 30th
Rating: G
Status: Closed

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Dec. 30th, 2012


Who: Deacon Frost, Elena Gilbert, and Dean
What: Attacking Elena
Where: Near Anna's house
When: After Elena visited Dean
Rating: R
Status: Closed

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Dec. 27th, 2012


who: elena and dean
when: after the network conversation.
where: his place
what: talking about damon.
rating: lowish
status: closed; complete

she was doing this for damon. )

Dec. 16th, 2012


Who: Bonnie, Elena, and meeting someone new
What: Girls night out
Where: Lawrence
When: Dec 15th, late (Backdate)
Rating: TBA
Status: Closed

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Dec. 10th, 2012


Who: Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, with a dash of Crowley
What: It was the only way he could get out of the house. Plus, Damon feels he can talk to her.
Where: Lawrence, Kansas
When: December 8th; evening [BACKDATED]
Rating: TBA.
Status: Closed / Incomplete

It's for you, I walk through a storm )

Dec. 1st, 2012


Who: Elena, Bonnie, Alaric, and Damon
Where: Alaric's house.
When: After her chat with Bonnie and her phone call with Alaric.
What: Checking Damon over.
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed; Incomplete

She couldn't help, but feel guilty. )

Oct. 8th, 2012


Who: Stefan Salvatore
What: Hunting a college student and thinking
Where: The Park
When: Late night
Rating/Warning: TBD
Status: OTA but can easily become a stand alone piece

Nothing's quite the same now. I just say your name now but it's not so bad )

Sep. 11th, 2012


Who: Bonnie and Elena
What: Elena picks Bonnie up
Where: Cemetery
When: Bonnie's arrival
Rating: TBA
Status: Closed

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Jul. 27th, 2012


Who: Jefferson Starships, and you!
What: Invasion because of Eve
Where: Lawrence, Kansas
When: July 27th, early
Rating: R
Status: OPEN!

In this thread, please feel free to make things up as you go along. Currently, there is a large group of Jefferson Starship (The creatures created by Eve to be perfect monsters, and named by Dean Winchester in season 6) that are not perfect. This is another unstable batch that she's released. Those who get bitten by these creatures will be turned into them, but they are slowly dying. They're not stable, and Eve is still trying to get the mixture just right. While the Mother is not actually joining her children, she is pissed. And this is her gift to you.

WEAKNESSES: They are vulnerable to decapitation, angelic powers, incineration, silver through the heart, and iron will slow them down. Some may combust on their own, while others might not be affected by anything less than decapitation. Remember, these are mixtures of several creatures. Some creatures were not affected by certain things. Keep this in mind and be creative!

You may reply with open threads, or post in the Subject: with a character's name that you wish to join in. Or characters. I do not care how many people join in threads, or how the threads are played out. You may kill as many Jefferson's as you want.

Maybe of the Walking Dead characters may continue to mistake them for walkers. The Jefferson's CAN talk, though, which Walkers cannot.

Currently, the large group is shambling through town, and lots of NPCs are screaming and running. Angels have their powers, demons have their powers, and no monsters left in Lawrence are going insane. Eve is currently going to be with Jack, Ianto, and Peter Vincent. Affecting only those who willingly went with them to get away from Dean.

ANYONE can reply to this thread. I highly encourage ANY interactions, be it encouraging the Jeffersons or killing them. Meg may show up!

Jun. 11th, 2012


Who: Balthazar and everyone
What: Party at Balthazar's
Where: Balthazar's house
When: June 11th, until it ends
Rating: Probably High, anything is allowed.
Status: OPEN

Instructions: Once at Balthazar's house, there will be a number of NPC's. There will be plenty of drinks, alcohol, food, but no drugs, of course. There is a large pool in the back, and anything is permitted. Please talk with each other, and if you want to thread here with someone specific, feel free! Or you could post a comment, and title it with who ever's name you want to join in. Or just title it as "Open". There is no limit to how many people reply to each person. I encourage lots of replies, and try to leave no one hanging! Thanks for your understanding!

Anything is possible, everything is permitted, and have fun! And Balthazar really doesn't care if you break things in the house, because he can repair them. Anything that is priceless and of import is, of course, out of reach.

Apr. 19th, 2012


Who: Vicki Donovan, random NPC, and open
Where: A random alley
When: Tonight
What: Vicki's hungry
Rating: TBD
Status: Open!

the world is a vampire )

Apr. 13th, 2012


Who: Dean, Elena, and Liz
What: Delivering pie, being friendly
Where: Dean's place
When: After their conversation
Rating: Lowish
Status: Open/ Incomplete

a tad like red riding hood )

June 2015




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