Aug. 24th, 2011


Hello everyone!

I don't want to scare anyone, but if in the future, something calls for it, we now have a changing application.

This involves time skips. For those of you who don't know or understand what a time skip is, I'll gladly explain.

If for some reason you wanted your character to age faster, or you just saw something in the canon that you're character is too far behind to have and you wanted, you could time skip them. What this means is that you'd "send them home" for a little bit while they aged. You could skip a few months, a few years, whatever you would prefer. They would, however, have to follow canon-logical grow up. If they are OC, you'd need to create the canon in which you are skipping over in great detail. While they are gone, they would not remember ever being in 2012 with Dean Winchester, unless they were originally from that point in the supernatural canon of course, but when they came back they would remember being 'home'.

For the ability change:
If you wished to have your character locate something, or make a deal with someone to suddenly become more powerful for more than just a single post, you could apply to make it permenant. This could be anything from Castiel borrowing souls from Crowley, to Lucifer giving Azazel the ability to shift forms (which has already been passed and is not required to be app'd)

For the Catagory Change:
This is if you want to become something else. Like, from a human to a demon, or vice versa. Say you sold your soul to one of the crossroad demons, for a little more something. Well, in ten years time, or whatever they bargined, you'll be a demon. Please apply for this so if something happens sooner, you can be a demon asap.

It is not very difficult to fill out, and unless you're application is off the wall, I'm sure you won't be denied out right. At least this way it's a little more sense making, and under control when it starts happening. With this many demons rolling around, and Dean eager to get his hands on things, I'm sure deals will be made.

If you have any questions or comments on this, please feel free to comment below, or hit me up privately in messenger. Comments are NOT screened.

Application can be found here.