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Dec. 22nd, 2012



Hi, I'm Rooks, a friend of Tawni from college. I'll be joining this game with Kat from Gravity Rush. She'll be dropping head first into the graveyard sometime today, hopefully.


So... I may or may not be suffering from another processor error which means I'll either have to send it out again or buy a new computer and tell my old one to eff off. I'm seriously getting tired of it's problems. I'll find out SOON, like when it's actually morning and I'm not half dead from work. Until then I'm on my mother's computer again

So it's definitely a processor error (AGAIN) and the place I need to send it to won't be open until Monday which means I won't have a computer until sometime after Christmas. Boo.

If we were supposed to do a thread I'll backdate something whenever I get my laptop back or you can post it and I'll reply when I come back.

Sorry guys.

Oct. 30th, 2012


Even my ooc things get wordy )

Feb. 6th, 2012


Pardon my absence the past couple days. I've been on the couch, playing my new PS3 because I finally got whatever sick my family had and feel blecch. But now I'm back to doing school work, so I'm trying to sort out where I owe tags and the whatnot on the offtime.

Plots, yes? Plots would be good~

My characters are as followed, to remind - Castiel, Jimmy Novak, Damon Salvatore, Future!Dean Winchester, AU!Castiel, Genis Sage, and Vincent Ryan

Jan. 31st, 2012



I'm having computer problems. Everything is running at the speed of molasses and it's giving me a headache. If I can, I'll be answering tags and such but probably be unable to sign onto AIM. I'm really sorry if this will cause any kind of inconvenience for you guys. I don't know how long this computer will be messed up, but I'm hoping for a resolution soon.



Dropping Out

Hey guys. I hate to do this, but I'm going to drop this game. It's not because I don't enjoy it anymore. I just feel like I haven't been quite as active as I'd like to be. and it's not fair to all the other players. So I do look forward to RPing with some of you in other games, and hopefully, the friends I've made here will stick with me, because right now? I need all the support I can get.

Jan. 27th, 2012


Hey, guys, anyone want to do a backdated thread sometime, maybe tomorrow, so someone could have seen Kathy's abduction by dragon? I say tomorrow because I'm going to be off in a second or else I'd do it now.

Help is much appreciated!

Jan. 26th, 2012


Okay crew, sadly, I won't be here much of the weekend due to working Friday (tomorrow) and then I have two back to back tweleve hour shifts at the hospital. I will be back Sunday night/Monday though... Then back to school Tuesday. So, from now until my clinicals are over, I'll be busy as a bumble bee! Wish me luck, I'm so nervous about it I can hardly sit still.


Well, I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but... I offically had to drop Chuck. He went silent, and there's no point on holding onto a dead muse. If anyone wants to pick him up, let me know.

Jan. 25th, 2012


Hey guys, how's it going? Heather here. I just wanted to let everyone know what's been going on. As some of you know, I have Spastic Cerebral Palsy. It's mild, so I can walk. However, that is changing. I've been in a lot of pain for the last couple of months. So recently, I just haven't been posting, but I have been trying to keep up in the RPG, because my RPGs are all I have now, since I can't work anymore.

There may be days where I don't reply, or write short tags. But I promise I am not gone, and I still love my family here at Paradise so much. Just bare with me! And also, if you see me online, feel free to poke me to thread. I know I don't have quite a lot of characters, but I'm hoping to change that in the very near future.

Just a heads up to you guys. Thanks for your patience and understanding.



Jan. 22nd, 2012


So, I'm made of fail, and got all my stuff mixed up due to not rewatching things when I should have. And I'm calling myself out on it.

Rose joined Torchwood in her universe, and I forgot that Mickey went back to his own side in the end. So if we can just pretend I didn't fail my ass off, that would be nice. That's about all I think I've really screwed up. I hope

-__- If there's more, please let me know. Thanks for your understandings!


Just to keep everyone up to date, we're starting the dragon kidnapping plot.

Rose has just been snatched up, with Peter Vincent as a witness.

The others who will be snatched are Liz, Kathy, and Eve. Anyone else who wants their female virgin snatched, just let me know.

This hereby marks the begining of the dragon plot. Victims can be kept for quite a long time, as the dragons are still preparing. They will feed the victims, but they have no way of contacting anyone but each other, once they've been trapped.

Torchwood has no means of tracking them, nor do they even know they exist, yet. Neither do any hunters except Peter until he starts to inform them.

If there's any questions, feel free to comment here or catch me on AIM. Happy Plotting!

Jan. 20th, 2012


Whatever this cold is, it's not letting me go. 2 weeks, give or take, and I'm still doped up on meds and struggling with focus and what not. It's mostly in my nose, and behind my eyes, so at this point I'm pretty sure it's sinus. But I'm still slow and struggling with tags because I can't breathe properly and that makes focusing on writing difficult at best. Bear with me. I'm trying to work through it!

Jan. 18th, 2012


Hey everyone! This marks the end of the child event! Hope you all had fun!

Everyone is now back to adults, thanks to Castiel and his curious nature!

Your character's will remember everything! Thanks!


miniature hiatus?

Hey, everyone,

I'm feeling kind of sick right now, so I'll be sleeping for a while. I'll be back ASAP, hopefully tomorrow. Hugs for all of you.

Jan. 15th, 2012


Greetings, all. Misha here with...a Misha face. Wheee. (For the record, I went by Misha long before I knew who Misha Collins was. I told him this. He told me I chose a good name incidentally the same name he chose. hah.)

Anyway. Yes. I'm bringing in 2014!Cas. Clean slate, fun times. I'll see about getting him intro'd tomorrow. I'm off work, so we'll see how that goes. I may be here in the morning. Wheee.

I would have intro'd him sooner, but IJ did't give me the notifications that he'd been added to the comms. I went to request membership again, and got the 'you are already a member of this community' message, so here I am with an OOC.

Plot is love, hit me here or on AIM. ♥

Jan. 13th, 2012


Hi, guys! Sorry for my sudden awayness. I have been online a time or three throughout the week, but I have been sick and unfocused and not at all interested in RP. I am getting my groove back and plan to have wee!Sammy post this evening after dinner.

Since he still has his memories, he's not at all interested in camping out with the Winchester clan. He'd just as soon rough it on his own, poor boy. But yeah. I wanted to apologise for being MIA/AWOL. It was pretty much unavoidable, but I'll be back in play very soon!

Jan. 12th, 2012


Hey everyone! I know it's an hour early, but I'm going to go drown myself in Zelda soon, SO!

Starting now, any posts made (Unless backdated) will be child-effected!

Please feel free to beat out old threads, just as normal, at your own pace, like normal.

This affects NEW THREADS.

This will run until I decide to say stop, basically. So have fun! Live it up! Because I'm here all weekend!

Also update for plot:

Jerry has died, via blessed stake through the heart, freeing any of his victims.

Shifter has been captured and delivered to Crowley

Jacob is maimed pretty badly, and going to be in the hospital for awhile.

Jan. 11th, 2012


Hey everyone, hope this isn't too short notice, but!

This Friday we're going to have a short child!Event! Brought to you in part by, LOKI! He's been bored, so, event time!

The catch is that you'll retain your memories of an adult! So, grab a few younger looking PB, and join in the fun!

Please remember, you do not have to be part of this event if you do not want to, BUT! If you choose not to be part of it, please don't post until the event is over. Thanks for your understanding!

NOTE: Those who already play children, the children will remain kids. Thanks!


Hey everyone. Heather here. Just wanted to introduce you guys to my new character, Angel. She is the youngest member of the Flock from the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson.

Angel is cute, smart, and your typical six-year-old. Feel free to hit me up for plots, storylines...whatever you feel like. :D

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