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Jan. 10th, 2012


Thank you everyone who put in your input about the new ideas, I would like to say that my wording was bad, and I didn't mean all of this ideas would go into play right away.

I am certainly keeping the main plot SPN. The plan is to leak a little bit of Doctor Who inside by dropping some aliens who slip through the cracks. They will still be weakened by the travel, and able to be captured, and ect.

An idea that I would like input on is: What is Purgatory?

Personally, I never felt it was a place on earth, but that can be argued. I was wondering about making it another dimension? It's still SPN based, but can play a little more sense with the Doctor Who folks. If this doesn't sound like a very good idea, we can just keep it a seperate place 'somewhere' in the universe, like Heaven and Hell are.

Also, the Alphas and Eve will produce a certain energy that isn't human, because they're from Purgatory. Just as the demons will produce a certain energy that isn't from earth, because they're from Hell, just as angels will produce a certain energy because they are from Heaven. The Purgatory energy is something that Torchwood has learned how to locate, but they will not be aware that it isn't actually Purgatory, but Eve's energy instead. They will actually have to get their hands on a demon or angel to start to figure out how to trace that energy. If this is not okay with anyone, please let me know your ideas. (and if we end up having Leviathan running around, they'll have their own different energy.)

Anything Eve creates will have her energy, and will be trackable unless Torchwood tech is damaged or destroyed.

Let me know how that sounds, and this is going to be way down the road. Currently, the two Alpha in game are being hunted for, and I already have one person who has spoken to me about making a dragon. It would be nice to get at least one or two more, besides the Mod account.

Thank you all for your input!

Jan. 9th, 2012


Plot update

Thank you all so much for picking up activity, and always checking the OOC for updates. It means a lot to me to have such an active community.

Currently, I wanted to let you all know the future plans so we're all on the same page. The plot is progressing slowly, but surely towards capturing the two alpha that we currently have in the game. That is the Alpha Vampire, Jerry, and the Alpha Shifter, NPC. Jimmy and Jacob will be capturing both of them, because of Jacob's deal with Crowley for his brother's soul. Whether Crowley actually get's the soul is still up for grabs, he's a trickly little devil :P. Death might also come back.

After the two Alpha are captured, I will be hoping that a few of you can bring in dragon OC's. They will not need to be applied for, but I would like you to ask me in IM on AIM, give me the account name, and let me add you in for the plot. Also, after the dragons are in, Purgatory will be opened via the dragons to bring forth the Mother of All, Eve, played by me. Eve will be tracking Crowley, and possibly hiring hunters to bring him down, or else. Which by else, she can stop angels, and create anything she wants. She'll cause her own hell if she doesn't get her own way.

During this plot with Eve actively searching for Crowley, Meg is also going to be trying to get into Crowley's way. She's currently NPC'd by me, but if there are any takers, feel free to let me know. I don't feel I play her very well, but for the sake of the game, I'm keeping her around for the main plot.

Also during this, I wanted to introduce the idea of a more Doctor Who based plot. During the time that all of this is going on, time has been slowly cracking. With people dissapearing, and reappearing, or just arriving randomly here in Kansas, time is growing more and more unstable. With Purgatory opened up once, it has caused a large crack to shatter. Torchwood and BRPD will be able to detect the activity of Purgatory opening, as well as the heightened activity once time starts to fall apart. At this point, random Doctor Who aliens can appear. They'll be badly damanged from traveling through universes without protection, and I'm looking for someone to bring in a scientific big wig who wants to collect them up and do testing on them. I would more than happily let them do this, as it causes trouble for the paranormal investigators to deal with. The Doctor will play a huge part in this as they try to find a way to stop time from falling apart. It certainly won't help once Purgatory is opened by anyone once more, with plans to use the souls as power.

If there are any questions or suggests, comment here or catch me on AIM. Comments are NOT screened. Thanks!


Hey guys. Heather here. I've been thinking about this for the last few months. I'm officially dropping Bobby. It's not that I don't like him. I just don't....feel him anymore. It happens sometime. I'll keep his journal around, though. If by chance I ever get his muse back again, I will re-apply. As of right now, though, doesn't seem likely.

Keep an eye out though. I have some new characters that will probably be apped in the very near future!

Jan. 7th, 2012



It looks like I can safely declare that an end has come to my most recent hiatus. I'm veeery happy to bring you this news. I'll be checking things out and catching up! Thanks for being understanding, guys.


Hey everyone. Just wanted to drop an update for the whole comm to see.

First, I wanted to inform everyone I've updated the rules. The character limit is now as many as you can handle. If you aren't posting that much with a handful of characters, and it's starting to seem like you're just stacking up and squating, we'll talk to you. If you honestly feel you're lacking, you'll know what to do.

Secondly, I want to say that I'm sorry I'm always gone and busy at work, but I've been working 50+ hours a week lately, and it sucks. School's starting on Tuesday, so I'll be working less (kind of good kind of bad), and I should be here more. Key word, should.

Thirdly, I want to thank everyone whose been posting lately, and keeping the activity level from being absolute zero. I know it's taking a few days to beat out some threads with everyone having busy schedules, but I'm glad we're doing it. Posting up random threads is also good! Remember, if you see an OTA or open post, please, try to throw someone in there. The more we can interact, the more plot ideas develop, and the more fun we can have!

Fourthly (is that even a word?), I wanted to say that I've added a new plot tag 'plot: lost identity: Peter Vincent' this tag will apply to Peter Vincent, Vampire Vampire Hunter, and his quest to locate his lost meories and find out who he really is. This is more or less a mini plot, but anyone can be involved! Also, the shifter is still on the loose, just... Resting while I'm working :P

That should be all! Thanks for reading the update! Any questions can be asked here, or shot to me in an IM. Comments are screened.

Jan. 4th, 2012


First, I’ve got to offer my apologies. I’m going to be on hiatus for a brief while. It could wind up being as brief as carrying me into the weekend, returning to post on Saturday or Sunday, but there is also a small possibility that I might be out for a few weeks. I have to discuss my options with a doctor tomorrow.

Jan. 1st, 2012


She returns!

Hey y'all! Crystal here....again! I was here back in the beginning, and now that the holiday CRAZINESS of running a Christmas department at a Macy's has finally calmed down, I am returning, and this time I'm bringing in Jo Harvelle. I didn't play her in this game before, so to avoid confusion and all, I'm bringing in the canon version from the show.

Meaning she just went 'boom' and is now waking up five years later and saying WTF?

Plot is ♥



To spice up the game, we're going to do bi-monthly posts like this every first of the month. It's simple, too! All you have to do is reply to this post with the copy/paste html below with your characters, tag other players with your plot ideas, and you'll get tags, too!

We ask that you take the time to use this post for plottings. Also, keep in mind that although this isn't an activity check, it'll help give us a good idea as to who's around and who isn't.

♥ The Mods

Dec. 27th, 2011


Hello everyone.

I'm sorry to do this again, but I'm going to need to continue my hiatus. Earlier this morning, my father suffered a heart attack. Thankfully he was at a doctor's office at the time of the incident and was able to get the care that he needed right away. He's doing very well now, but he will need to stay the night at the hospital and I will be staying with him. After he's released, I will also be helping my family take care of him for the next couple of days, so until he is doing better, I will probably be gone until the end of the week. If I'm not back by Sunday, then I'd like to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year. Take care!


Dec. 22nd, 2011


Hey everyone. I just wanted to apologize for my absence these past couple of weeks. To make a long story short, things have gotten stressful over here with job hunting, preparing for the holidays, and our landlord acting like a huge… well, let’s just call him a Scrooge or a Grinch, whatever you prefer. With all of that going on, my head hasn’t been in the right place and I’ve let a few things slide that I shouldn’t have, particularly what it came to letting you guys know that I’d be going on hiatus. Trust me, it won't happen again.

There are still a couple of things that need to be taken care of, but in the meantime I will try to get caught up. If I owe anybody tags or you guys feel like plotting, then please feel free to leave me a message here or on aim at philostrophical.


Dec. 19th, 2011


Feel free to have your character comment on the bank robbery that they'll no doubt see on the news or in the papers tonight/tomorrow with a post in the net or whatever.

Lalala a security camera probably snagged a picture cause he was all gungho and a little reckless.

Dec. 18th, 2011


Some of you are going to see this a gazillion times, and for that, I apologise!

I bought a new phone. I think I'm in love with it. I got an Android Infuse 4. It is about as heavy as two pieces of paper and it has a 4.5 inch screen. It's awesome.

Anyway, the point of the post is that I set up AIM on the phone, with my old MeeshZilla screen name. I will use that when I'm mobile, so feel free to add me and IM me there when I'm away from the computer.

Dec. 15th, 2011


On an RGN of 1-12, the number was 3! That means it's Michelle's Cas, Future Castiel!

Michelle doesn't have to do anything unless she wants her Cas to notice his copy running around! Be on the look out!


Shapeshifter event!

Out of boredom and ideas I get while working, because work sucks, I decided that I would do a shapeshifter event. Please don't forget to work on the older plots that are still in progress, I know we're slowly beating them down, but don't ditch them for this!

During this event, I will select one of everyone's characters, and take a few pictures and add them to the mod account. (This one). And then I will put up a post for them to interact with someone, anyone, possibly someone of my choosing. Hopefully, it will only be one character per person, and the shapeshifter will not be able to be killed in conventional ways - Iridium used for decapitation is the only way to kill.

A silver bullet to the heart will only slow him down (sorry about the edit, I had to rewatch the episode because I'm a n00bzor)

This is the Alpha shapeshifter, so he'll be able to switch pretty fast. He's a lot stronger than he looks, and he's not too happy. He's looking for a very specific demon, and he'll do everything he can to get his hands on him.

EDIT: Okay, so out of the RNG (random number generator), I used that to pick one out of everyone's characters. The list is as follows;

Tawni: Rory Williams
Ash: Future Dean Winchester
Michelle: Future Castiel
Fi: Meg
Alyssa: Claire (sorry it's your only character)
Heather: Bobby Singer
Bridget: Kathy Kriticos
Patti: Crowley (Ironic, but the rgn picked it)
Cindy: The Doctor (11)
Whitney: (She is currently on a hiatus but it was Peter Petrelli)
Misha: Sam Winchester
Lauren: Anna Milton

What this means is that any of these characters listed are fair game for the shapeshifter to use, and only these characters. Yes, your character may see their copy, that is perfectly fine, and encouraged unless it's a closed thread. They can even state in the net that they saw themselves.

This does not mean that the shapeshifter will become everyone on this list, this is just a list of possible characters. The shapeshifter's goal is to cause as much chaos as possible, as well as to locate Crowley and attempt to kill him (but ultimately get caught). If you have more questions, please asking here (comments are screened) Or poke me on AIM. This way, if I missed anything, I can add it here! Thanks!

Dec. 9th, 2011


So, I've spent today doing the math to figure out how old Jack Harkness really is.

He's around 2143 years old as of 2009, the point after Doctor Who: Stolen Earth, from which I took him from.

So any time I've said he's around 300, please scratch that, he's around 2143. Sorry, Doctor. Jack's older than you thanks to Gray burrying him in 27 A.D.

Jack was around his 20's when they first met him in 2006/7
He used his manipulator to go back in time, got stuck in 1869 and had to live to 2008 to find the new doctor. That's 139 years + 20 years old = 159 years + the year that never was.

Jack was around 160 years old in 2008.

In 2009, Gray returned and Jack was sent back to 27 A.D and burried alive. He was burried until 1901 when he was found by TW. He was burried for 1874 years.
1874 + 161 years = 2035 years old

He was then frozen for 108 years, back to 2009 when he thawed and fixed things.

2035 + 108 years = 2143 years old as of 2009 if he was 20 when he was found by the Doctor.

If there's anything else that anyone wants to add, or that I missed, let me know! Thanks!

Dec. 8th, 2011


I have a soft spot for the villains, what can I say?

So have an anti-hero. Jason Todd/Red Hood from the DC universe is in game now and probably going to try "cleaning up" Lawrence. I've not yet got my hands on the comics due to my local comic shop's fail, so he's coming in after the animated movie. Check the journal for more info.

Let's get to plotting~


Hey babes!

Sorry for being slow this week had a few RL things to handle, but I'm back around.

Anyone like to get a plot going?

Let me know, we'll make it happen.

Dec. 6th, 2011


Oh hai guys!

I brought Peter Vincent back... mostly against his will. He'll be around to help out with the whole Alpha/Eve/Purgatory deal and will probably be hanging out in Adam's basement. All will be explained in the narrative I do... probably tomorrow. I have work in the morning.

So, yes, love on him. Give me plots. I'm not sure how long he'll stick around.

OH! I forgot to mention that he's a newish vampire now... yeah, that's all explained in his profile


Good news, guys! There will be no need for a hiatus. I’ll sign on AIM a little later and get to RP business.

Dec. 5th, 2011


Hey, guys, this is going to be cross-posted. Tomorrow I’m going to a doctor’s appointment and I might be going on hiatus. This is actually pretty doubtful, but I didn’t want you to think I ditched you and the game for no reason or that I was abducted by aliens. It depends on whether or not my doctor thinks a certain treatment is necessary. Even if he decides that I need to take this route, there is also always the possibility that I could get said treatment on an out-patient basis. Even though I think I’ll be coming home, I thought that I would cover all of my bases.

No worries. I’ll probably see you tomorrow. I hope I’ll see you tomorrow.

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