January 22nd, 2012

[info]fantastic_rose in [info]retrnprdse_ooc

Just to keep everyone up to date, we're starting the dragon kidnapping plot.

Rose has just been snatched up, with Peter Vincent as a witness.

The others who will be snatched are Liz, Kathy, and Eve. Anyone else who wants their female virgin snatched, just let me know.

This hereby marks the begining of the dragon plot. Victims can be kept for quite a long time, as the dragons are still preparing. They will feed the victims, but they have no way of contacting anyone but each other, once they've been trapped.

Torchwood has no means of tracking them, nor do they even know they exist, yet. Neither do any hunters except Peter until he starts to inform them.

If there's any questions, feel free to comment here or catch me on AIM. Happy Plotting!

[info]fantastic_rose in [info]retrnprdse_ooc

So, I'm made of fail, and got all my stuff mixed up due to not rewatching things when I should have. And I'm calling myself out on it.

Rose joined Torchwood in her universe, and I forgot that Mickey went back to his own side in the end. So if we can just pretend I didn't fail my ass off, that would be nice. That's about all I think I've really screwed up. I hope

-__- If there's more, please let me know. Thanks for your understandings!