December 9th, 2011

[info]flirtyharkness in [info]retrnprdse_ooc

So, I've spent today doing the math to figure out how old Jack Harkness really is.

He's around 2143 years old as of 2009, the point after Doctor Who: Stolen Earth, from which I took him from.

So any time I've said he's around 300, please scratch that, he's around 2143. Sorry, Doctor. Jack's older than you thanks to Gray burrying him in 27 A.D.

Jack was around his 20's when they first met him in 2006/7
He used his manipulator to go back in time, got stuck in 1869 and had to live to 2008 to find the new doctor. That's 139 years + 20 years old = 159 years + the year that never was.

Jack was around 160 years old in 2008.

In 2009, Gray returned and Jack was sent back to 27 A.D and burried alive. He was burried until 1901 when he was found by TW. He was burried for 1874 years.
1874 + 161 years = 2035 years old

He was then frozen for 108 years, back to 2009 when he thawed and fixed things.

2035 + 108 years = 2143 years old as of 2009 if he was 20 when he was found by the Doctor.

If there's anything else that anyone wants to add, or that I missed, let me know! Thanks!