August 22nd, 2011

[info]rtrnparadisemod in [info]retrnprdse_ooc

Hey there everyone, just wanted to say I'll probably be creating a blast group later on today. You'll all be asked to add yourselves to it, since it has trouble if you are using a third party AIM or messenger program.

Also, please note that it is not required you have more than one user picture in your journal, but it is preferred.

Hopefully we can get some good plot ideas rolling, and the blast group makes it easier for all of us to talk. I'll be throwing up a blast group walk through for anyone with questions as well.

Have fun~

[info]rtrnparadisemod in [info]retrnprdse_ooc

Here is the blast group link.

The tutorial for any questions can be found here.

[info]wrwitch in [info]retrnprdse_ooc


I'm Zie, and I am bringing in Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I haven't done a Journal RPG in a very long time, but Tawni has been helping get me reoriented. I am looking forward to meeting everyone, and making new friends.

Thanks to Tawni, of course, for helping me rekindle my love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and welcoming me so kindly.

[info]obvslyimagod in [info]retrnprdse_ooc

Michelle here. Yes, I'm everywhere! I'm stalking you all! Joking joking. Anyway, I'm here with two pups-for now *evil laugh of evil* No seriously, for the moment these are my two boys.

The first is my baby, Future Cas. I'm sure most of you know about him, but for those few that don't: Cas is a stoner, plain and simple. He's also a womanizer, alcohalic, and has a thing for pushing his 'fearless leaders' buttons CONSTANTLY. Though he can be civial, if theres actually a need for it but don't except it all the time. He's also jokingly considered the camps love guru-though he is good legitamly good at calming people down wether through sex, drugs, or other forms.

The second is someone I rarily play but I thought I'd give him a shot. Chuck! He's...not really a prophet anymore, but he still has visions from time to time. Because this is the 'end verse'game, he's also not protected by an arch angel(Unless we get one that wants to..?) so he'll mostly be the one trying hard to remain nice to everyone while being terrified of everything at the same time.

Questions/comments/death threats?

Plot, like chocolate cake, is love.

[info]effingpsycho in [info]retrnprdse_ooc


Hi, everyone! I’m Bridget. I am koijamas on AIM and I’m EST.

This is Arriane Alter. She is a fallen angel, but usually finds herself on the side of ‘good’. She doesn’t talk about what brought about her fall from grace. Ever. On her back she has a big, ugly scar from hellfire. Arriane is a little sarcastic, but nice enough not to be considered a jackass. If you’re her friend, she’ll likely stick by your side no matter what.

Plotting is fantastic!