Nov. 12th, 2015


Hellooooo, new friends. I'm Sara. You can blame fellow new player saj for my presence because she said the word 'sirius' to me, damn her.

Which, obviously: I bring you Sirius Black. You already love him, or you love to hate him, or something, so I'll spare you the personality deets except to say that, since he's neither a teenager nor a man who never had a chance to emotionally grow past late adolescence due to the whole 'in jail pretending to be a dog so the soul-sucking demon thingys leave him alone' thing not being an issue, he's less of an ass than canonically. Kind of. Marginally.

More importantly, since nobody died or went to prison, he's got a job and a life and things! He's a Hitwizard, and he bartends at the Broomsticks sometimes because he's just that cool (the thing where I said that he's more mature than the canon version, and then qualified it with 'marginally?' Yeah,) and, in the biggest twist, he has a kid! Rhiannon is six and the product of a brief fling that really emphatically did not work out and so her mum is only tangentially in the picture and is purposefully unnamed in Sirius's bio just in case anyone feels inspired. He's actually a really good dad, thank you very much.

More details are in his soon to be prettified profile, but I warn you, it's a novel. For which I apologize deeply to the mods.

If you want me, please reach me at, [info]petrichor, or the dropbox I'm at some point going to be adding to Sirius's journal. I AM on AIM, but it's like the new weird version of aim where you don't get a username? or some shit? it's stupid. You can find me there by searching my email, but half the time I'm not logged in and the other half I've forgotten I'm logged in, so it's not your best bet. Anyway. Plot with me!

Sep. 3rd, 2015


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