Dec. 10th, 2015


Hello everyone, Christie here with my number two Rodolphus Lestrange.

So, what has ole Roddy been up to (btw call him that only if you want hexed, otherwise it's Rod, Lestrange if you aren't in his circle).

He's been conveniently married to Bellatrix for years now. Their marriage looks fine from the outside as it should but is really nothing more than a sham for political purposes. Basically their families made the connection and neither of them thought it was too horrible and they both decided it would be better to be married to a friend than someone they may not be able to stand. Therefore, he often goes elsewhere to get certain itches scratched and has a few illegitimate children out there.

The main thing though that I want you all to realize is he's very conceited and everything must go his way. He will twist what you have said and flat out lie about you. He presents himself always as the one who is pious and of sound character no matter how horrible he's been. It is always your fault that there is an argument and he can't help that you are too dumb to recognize the fact. (Please know that if he twists and prods it's not me trying to god-mod your character into how I think they should react to him it's simply his being a superb arse and detached from any reality that he doesn't want to claim as his own.)

So, give me the plots, the good the bad and the ugly.

Dec. 2nd, 2015



Hey guys, El again, this time with a new boy.

Meet Benjy Fenwick. He's the same age as the Marauders, though was a Ravenclaw, he's also in charge of the Auror Training program. Muggleborn and mad on motorcycles, planes and space - he was probably that odd kid that went up the astronomy tower to look for UFOs.

Anyway hit him up for plots and the other three are still around too!

Nov. 9th, 2015


Hello lovelies, I'm Anna (Anna 2, apparently) bringing you Remus Lupin! He's still the same quiet self-loathing werewolf we know and love, but he's not as messed up. Now a major similarity to cannon are that he's still terrified of long-term relationships due to his lycanthropy. Also, he has dealt with bigotry, hate crimes, job discrimination, and homelessness in his past. However, once Wolfsbane was invented in the early 90s, things started looking up. He got a steady job at Flourish and Blotts that he's kept for the past decade or so. Another major difference from cannon is that his best friends aren't dead! And finally, he actually lived to age 45!

So he needs friends other than the Marauders, past flings, potential enemies, etc. Hit me up either via email or on AIM at ambutterf1y. I get AIM on my phone, so I'm online quite a bit, especially when I'm trying to avoid grading (which I do often). Also, I'm in Louisiana, about an hour south of New Orleans, which puts me in Central time zone, which is GMT-6 (I think? Maybe?) Anyway, I look forward to playing with everyone!


Hi Everyone!

My name is Sasha and I'm bringing in Harry James Potter! I'm much older than I'd like to admit, and I've been playing Harry Potter rps for years! I'm super excited to play with all of you! You can email me at, Google hangouts as, or occasionally AIM with the same name! I can't get that at work though so I'm rarely on.

Harry is a much different young man than we knew in canon. For one thing, he was actually a very happy child and so he never developed his distrust of adults. He still runs headlong into trouble without thinking it through though! This makes him very fun at parties.

He's generally a very easy going guy and gets along with pretty much everyone. He's been playing Quidditch since he graduated and is starting Seeker for the Montrose Magpies. He has become pretty well known for it and finds himself on magazine covers more often than he would like.

Harry needs friends, past loves, future loves, enemies, and everything in between!

Nov. 4th, 2015


Hi game!
I'm DCJ (21+, GMT) and I've been allowed to bring you Theodore Nott

Theo is still pretty much Theo from the books, as much as there is of him - Slytherin, '98, Purist father. His dad is a staunch Walpurgis supporter and has been for much of his life. He's been accused of some dodgy dealings including bribery, making threats and even torture which he vehemently denies and has never been charged for - that doesn't mean it isn't true though.

Theo wants nothing to do with the man, who wasn't a very good father (please be aware that there might be triggering material in Theo's bio) and has disowned him anyway. Theo is an Apprentice Wandmaker, renting a bedroom in a 2 bedroom flat and pretending he doesn't need to go to therapy after a nervous breakdown and subsequent four year stay in the Janus Thickey ward.

There's some plot ideas in his profile but I'd like to discuss friends, non-friends, relationships with former Dormmates, romantic relationships that didn't go anywhere while he was at school, maybe people affected by his father's politics? Specifically I'd like a Pureblood girl who was betrothed to him (the marriage clearly hasn't happened); a housemate; the guy who set off his nervous breakdown by picking him up in a gay bar (it was consensual, the poor kid was probably as freaked out as Theo was); a romantic interest! I'll be pimping for some of these lines but I would love Charlie Weasley or Dean Thomas for the latter. No pressure though if anyone was thinking of picking them up but doesn't want to hook them up with Theo

I'm open to chat about any and all possible connections and what not. I'm online a lot of the time being that I'm unemployed, but it's because I suffer with chronic headaches and migraines so if I've disappeared for a couple of days that will be why - ugh.

Thank you so much for having me, I'm excited to play with you all! :)

Nov. 3rd, 2015


Heya everyone! My name is Jen and I'm super excited to bring you the eternally sassy and strong willed Ginny Weasley. She's currently a quidditch player, but she's been thinking about looking at other career choices. As always, she loves her family and friends and will always defend them with a fierce passion.

As for me, I'm Jen and I live in California. I'm on pretty often and can be reached either on aim at tsukinoneko48 or by email at I cant wait to play with all of you!

Oct. 31st, 2015


Oliver Wood's Intro!

Hi all! I'm Dandelion and I bring you this tall, lanky, bean pole Scot... he also answers to Oliver Wood. Or Olly. Or Wood. Or Captain. Or Tinkerbell... thanks George, really. Anyway, Oliver is the Keeper and Captain of Puddlemere United. He has played for Scotland in some minor International friendly matches and hopes to join the Scottish team for the World Cup next year. He is friendly, stubborn and a complete Quidditch nut. Pretty much how he was in the books except now he has bought Quality Quidditch Supplies - but that's a secret.

I am contactable via email and I am also contactable via aim @dandelionboy69 . I am in the UK and am a teacher, so will pop on during the day when I can, but will mostly be around evenings and weekends.

Can't wait for plottage! <3

Oct. 28th, 2015


hermione granger's intro

Hello! My name is Rei and I am bring in the lovely Ms. Hermione Granger. She was sorted in Gryffindor like in canon but she didn't do all the awesome stuff, like save Harry and Ron's butt every year. She is otherwise still the same Hermione. She is currently working as Jr. UnderSecertary for the current Minister of Magic. A job position she is very proud off of achieving. She wants to eventually in her later years become Minister herself, but only time will tell if that will ever become achieved.

As for me, I'm a video game tester and have a dog, cat, and a fish. I can mostly be reached via email: It is the quickest way to get ahold of me. I do have aim: lorna.dane but rarely on it now and days (forgot the password and too lazy at the moment to make a new one).

I look forward to all the plottages!

Sep. 3rd, 2015


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