Jun. 25th, 2008


Characters; Shin and Haleigh
Date/Time; 5pm, 25 October
Where; By the lake
Warnings; None (G)
Status; complete

Shin's still moody and needs someone to give him a shake )

Jun. 18th, 2008


Characters; Abbey Dixon & Isaac Hawthorne
Date/Time; October 18, afternoon
Where; Random hallway to random closet
Warnings; none?
Status; incomplete

empty closet hunting a go! )

Jun. 17th, 2008


[Hexed Private for Lydia Wood, Druella Lamperouge, Nathan Hyde and Libby Bronte Only]


(James Potter, Kenseigh Dumas, Nunnally Hawthorne, and Lucy Preston)

Identical notes to TEAM FIVE! Delivered via House Elf, left on pillow! )

Jun. 16th, 2008


Characters; Mischa and Derrick
Date/Time; Monday, October 16th. After dinner
Where; Common room, then out by the lake.
Warnings; So far PG
Status; Incomplete

Well here goes nothing! )


Characters; Lydie and Vi!
Date/Time; Saturday, evening, October 14th.
Where; Gryffindor's Girls Dormitories.
Warnings; PG, maybe, we'll see!
Status; Incomplete.

The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends. )