Posts Tagged: '%21day+07'

Oct. 12th, 2015



[A crude map is drawn with a shaking hand of the commune and surrounding area with fourteen 'x's marked around the woods and the outside lakes.]

There are a lot of bodies. I haven't moved them I just thought that people should know. Or would want to know.

Or would want to avoid them.

- Lydia Martin

Oct. 11th, 2015




So, in the interest of full-disclosure I did something extremely stupid today, and have learned my lesson for the record. I went to get fruit by myself, saw a wolf, fell, managed hurt myself, and a man named Derek brought me back to the apartments.

That being said...Sara you've dealt with stab wounds before, right? I mean, it's a branch and it's still technically in my calf, but you could help or is this out of the realm what you're able to do? Please? If not I can reach out to Joey, but I'm obviously more comfortable with you....

This is Felicity by the way....

So, I was wondering about what exactly might be best to use to ward off infection? I'm not exactly all that experienced when it comes to herbs and any advice, input, or information would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance.

- Felicity

[OOC: This happens after THIS once Derek has gotten her back to the apartments. So, probably early afternoon/late late morning.]



[posted late evening]

I swear to God, if I have to go one more day on fucking fruit because something interrupts one of my hunts, I'm going to freak out What are the chances that this streak of bad luck we all seem to be having is going to lift anytime soon, you think?


FELICITY.'s your leg doing? I feel so bad, but I can't actually apologize bec



[ posted early evening ]

Heads up - there's a hole in the ground near the spot marked on the map. It's more noticeable now, but had been covered with a sheet with some leaves on it and wasn't too easy to spot if you weren't watching out for it. Looks like maybe some kind of animal trap. I imagine there might be a few more out there so watch your footing.

[ on the next page he's drawn the area as they know it so far - with the boundaries Barry gave at the six mile out mark, the commune mapped out and all the doors. He's marked where the hole is with an x and a small note. ]

If anyone sees anything out there make a note on the map to keep the others updated.

- Steve

Oct. 10th, 2015



Uh okay, I guess...well, that's at least two people now that For those who haven't already seen me mention it, I'm a nursing student and when I got pulled from home, I was only two months away from my ADN, which would've made me a registered nurse so that I could work in the field while I finished my second two years. What that means is that I'm not a doctor, but I kind of might as well be. I don't know how to do a whole lot of surgical procedures, but as far as general first aid (stitching, suturing, medicating, injections/IV hookup, vital monitoring, triage diagnostics, cast-setting, etc.) I'm skilled and confident. While it isn't covered under my degree, I did a semester of independent study in pharmaceuticals, as well, so I'm comfortable with medications, their uses, and proper dosing for them (at least, with the stuff that's available back home, anyway). The only problem is that I'm from way in most of your I'm used to really high tech equipment and now I don't have any equipment at all. With that said, I'll do what I can the best that I can in the mean time with what we have and let's just hope that maybe the assholes who took us will see it fit to give me the right shit to do my job.

Things I need that I know (or think we could possibly) have around here: cut for length )

...that's...realistically all I can think of that we'd have around here, but...yeah. So...yeah, okay, I'm around and I've got training.

~Joey McCoy

How's it feeling today?

How are the stitches holding up? Okay?

Oct. 9th, 2015



With no small amount of personal resistance, unfortunately I've come to accept that however long it takes us to figure out how to escape this place won't be helped if we continue to scramble about without any sort of organization. There are many here who may be capable in the ways of fighting or future sciences but have little to no idea of how to exist off the land, and no one will be of any good use if we all slowly starve to death.

We have to organize if we are to be of any use. This is what we need:

Everyone with farming experience, let us know and find each other. Let us know what we need- tools, seeds, equipment, ect. Draw out a work schedule for what needs to be done, and how many people are needed to do it. This is a commune-wide project that is first priority.

Everyone with building experience- that means construction and engineering. Find each other. Draw up a list of what we need for building materials (this includes lumber, stone work, metal for tool-making, ect). We will need a barn first and foremost. A silo for grain eventually.

Everyone with hunting and trapping experience- organize and know each other. We need shifts set in place so that we can all be fed until the farmland begins producing. See if we can find livestock in the woods to contain inside the walls.

Everyone with strategy and/or fighting experience- organize and know each other. Work out shifts to keep watch during the nights, and know who leaves the walls during the day- and where. Organize emergency teams. Coordinate with all those with medical experience.

Everyone with medical experience- Organize and tell everyone. Let us know what supplies you need, organize a place to meet for emergencies. Start building up stores.


Oct. 8th, 2015



Is there anyone here who is responsible for that area of land that looks like it could be farm land? I read some entries with people talking about it, but I can't tell if anything was actually decided.

Or is no one responsible for it? I'm still not sure how this place has been running so far. It kind of seems like every person for themselves?
