Posts Tagged: 'sam+winchester'

Oct. 5th, 2015



Dear Diary,

Today I died...and I could've sworn I would've gone to Heaven but This is not what I was picturing for the afterlife. I learned: demons are real and they're total assholes. Also, why do I have a freaking diary?

No ♥



Did everyone hear that? Gretel and I were right at the doors when it started. We didn't know there was anyone else out there we couldn't get them to open again. Is everyone alright? Are we all accounted for?




Private to Sam Winchester

We have a problem.

Or maybe more accurately... more insight into the problem we already have.

One of them.

Oct. 2nd, 2015



So it looks like, despite what I'm sure all of us were hoping, we're all still stuck here. Is everyone still okay - other than the obvious of being held against your will? I know Natasha asked a few days ago, but is there anyone who still hasn't gotten their electric and plumbing set up? Or anyone who has started having any trouble with their set up?

According to the names on the doors this is a list of everyone who has been taken:
Allen, Barry
Black, Sirius
Braeden, Ben
Chadwick, Ricki
Danvers, Katherine
Dixon, Daryl
Frye, Kaylee
Hale, Derek
Kruass, Angelika
Lance, Sara
Lehane, Faith
Levy, Stuart
Martin, Lydia
McCoy, Joey
Rogers, Steve
Romanoff, Natasha
Smoak, Felicity
Stilinski, Stiles
Udinov, Alexandra
Winchester, Sam

That makes twenty one of us. So far it looks like we don't really have all that much in common that might tie us together as a group and maybe shed some light into why we are here. We have something in common now though, we're all stuck here. The only way we're going to figure this out and survive here while we do is together. We've all got something that we can use to be useful here. We have power, we have water. There's food in the woods and we have some people who know how to make that work. If you think you can help out in this regard, then let us know. You by no means have to go hunt, but even a handful of people who want to go out and gather fruit would be helpful.

As far as I can tell so far this is our living space the for moment.
[ Hand drawn map of the compound and the area immediately surrounding it. There's two X's already marked with the names Steve and Joey on one and Natasha and Alex on the other. ]
If everyone can make a mark with their name in the area they showed up - as best as you can tell or remember, that'd be great. From what I can tell it looks like the doors shut us in here at night. During the day they're open. So far nothing has come through, but we have to assume that whoever - or whatever - took us is out there somewhere. I suggest we set up watches by the four doors during the day.

If you leave the compound, I suggest you leave with at least one other person. Take your journal in case you get into trouble out there. If you leave alone, at the very least let some one know. Jot a quick note in here, tell your neighbor. Be back before the doors close.

There were a handful of you who mentioned in Natasha's entry that you are combat trained to various degrees. I'd like for all of us to meet up tomorrow, around 8 AM in front of the apartment building. Let's figure out what we can all do. Anyone who is not, but interested in learning the basics, let me know and we'll figure out a time to start some training.

- Steve

Sep. 30th, 2015



I think these journals are kinda shiny. I ain't seen nothing like it before I don't read a lot but they're real shiny. And the rooms ain't bad, but I still wanna go home.

So, anybody seen a ship round here? She's a firefly class with the name Serenity on the side? If they ain't here yet they will be my captain won't leave me I ain't never been on a planet that looked like this neither. What planet we on, does anybody know?



Sep. 29th, 2015



If anybody needs help getting their plumbing and electricity going, let me know. I can help you. I'm assuming that it would be pointless to ask if anybody has any information beyond what was written on the inside cover of the journal, and I'm assuming that everybody has the same message considering Alex and I did. Remedium Clinical Specialists, a cure, stay inside of the commune before the doors close, all of that, right?

I also suggest that we get a headcount of people who are actually trained in fighting and can be used in a defensive group if we need it. Whoever took us did so forcefully and I wouldn't be surprised if we needed to defend ourselves in the future, whatever 'study' this is already doesn't feel like it's going to be cozy. Those of us who can fight should defend those of us who can't, therefore THOSE people should probably drop their names as well so we know if you need help.

I'm professionally trained in combat and can be counted as a defender if necessary. We should get a headcount or have a group meeting somewhere so we all know who we're stuck with.




[Day 1; Gretel's handwriting is strong and fluid, with a nervous urgency behind it]

I am still not entirely convinced I'm not withering in some fever dream and this is all in my head, but on the slim chance that I am actually in this place, in the flesh, I am looking for my brother.

My name is Gretel, his name is Hansel. He is broad in the shoulder, light haired, grey eyed, and irritable. It is imperative that I find him.