Monday, September 21st, 2015


WHO: Norah and Lucy Bones
WHAT: Lunch
WHEN: Tuesday 22 September 1998, Noon
WHERE: Three Broomsticks
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

There didn't need to be a problem for Norah to visit her mother. )

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Monday, April 27th, 2015


WHO: Norah Bones & Vicky Frobisher
WHAT: Wine & Gossip/Girl time
WHEN: Saturday 11 April 1998, 6:30 PM
WHERE: Norah's Flat
RATING: Possible language//PG-13 tops
STATUS: Completed in Docs

Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy. )

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Tuesday, April 21st, 2015

Who: Oliver and Norah
What: Catching up. Making up. Ollie needs a friend, and Norah's removing her head from her arse.
Where: Ollie's House
When: Backdated, Morning, 12 April
Rating: Low
Status: Completed in GDocs

We found love right where are. )
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Friday, January 23rd, 2015

Who: Oliver and Norah
What: Dinner/Dancing/etc
Where: Glasgow, Scotland
When: Evening, Saturday 24 January
Rating: Fairly tame- a couple of kisses!
Status: Threaded, Complete

we could dance a little )
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Saturday, January 17th, 2015


WHO: Oliver Wood & Norah Bones (with appearances by Bailey Wood)
WHAT: Brunch!
WHEN: Sunday 18 January 1998, 1030 AM
WHERE: Oliver's home
RATING: A for awwww (low)
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

You had me at breakfast )

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Friday, December 26th, 2014

Who: Edgar, Amelia and Norah Bones
What: The Bones Family Christmas
Where: Edgar's house
When: The morning of December 25th
Rating: Probably G, unless someone uses Language.
Status: Incomplete

Edgar was, in some ways, a predictable bloke: the list of things he loved was very long, the list of things he hated short, and right at the top of the former was Christmas Day. This was information that could surprise no one who knew the Healer. Holidays in general were a source of much cheer and merriment for the man, who decorated the Infirmary for things as silly as May Day and who could tell the birthday of each and every person he knew off the top of his head; nothing, however, was quite like Christmas.

Honestly, he could give Molly Weasley a run for her money as far as enthusiastic family Christmas celebrations were concerned.

This Christmas was no different despite the lack of young children in his household to delight at daybreak. He'd been up since before dawn regardless, cooking and putting finishing touches on decorations and generally puttering around, singing carols and being a "jolly nuisance," in Lucy's affectionate words.

The family in general- Oscar and his family, plus various of Lucy's relations- were expected at lunchtime for the meal and presents, supper to follow in the evening, but as for his own children, well, they were expected promptly at nine in the morning if they didn't want Dear Old Dad owling concerns and then making sad faces at them when they did show up. And while she was his sister rather than his child, Amelia was included in that number. After all, she had no other obligations on the day as far as Edgar was concerned, and he wouldn't want her to feel lonely or left out. Not on Christmas.
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Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014


WHO: Norah & Amelia Bones
WHAT: Insanity Christmas Shopping
WHEN: 23 December 1997, Afternoon
WHERE: Diagon Alley
RATING: Medium (Norah may get sweary..)
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

T'is the season... )

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Sunday, September 14th, 2014

tags list.
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