
Who: Arthur & Merlin
Where: Third floor for starters, then off to who knows where.
When: After this.
What: Reuniting and exploring around the hotel.
Status | Rating: Closed | TBD
Notes: Spoilers for the series finale of Merlin + AU-ness.

And all the roads we have to walk are winding /And all the lights that lead us there are blinding / There are many things that I would / Like to say to you / But I don't know how )


Who: Pansy, and all those gathering to figure things out.
What: Waiting in the ballroom for others to show up. And group gathering.
Where: Inside the Hotel – Ballroom.
When: Morning.
Status | Rating: OPEN to All | TBD? I guess.
Notes: Nope, nothing now.

'Out with you, already!!' She shouted, as she stood withdrawing her wand. )