June 22nd, 2008

[info]blpaintchart in [info]red_day_love


I bring a ficlet for you, Red.

Title:  Private Activity.
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  PG-13
Word count:  1000 ish
Warnings:  It's part of my cracky AU Snupinverse.  Also, I got distracted by eels.

[info]blpaintchart in [info]red_day_love

A piece of daft. (Pic)

[info]venturous in [info]red_day_love

Illustration for "Where Else Would I Want to Be?

Characters: Lupin, Snape, Draco
Rating: PG for implied slash
Media: Photoshop, pencil

[info]envinyatar15 in [info]red_day_love

Ficlet: Palliated

Red, I too bring you fic.

Title: Palliated
Author: Envinyatar (aka [info]envinyatar15)
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: very light R
Highlight for Warnings: *AU, established relationship, also: schmoop that still remains on the angsty side*
Word Count: 1,778
Summary: Severus Snape was pacing the small room from one wall to the other, the restlessness he was feeling inside growing with each passing second. A lovers' reunion during DH, and maybe a little further than that.
Notes: Many heartfelt thanks to [info]snapelike for the quick beta job!

Palliated )