Dec. 30th, 2008


Photo links

Today, Red, I thought I'd share some photos with you. The main page for this particular photographer is here. I chose five of my favorites although as of now there are 280 photos posted. He tends to upload a bunch then go silent for a while. So if you enjoy them, visit the link every three months or so and see what's new.

ETA: Oh, this is the shortest lived gift ever. The webpage is going belly up Jan 5th. So none of these links will work anymore. :( I'm glad you had a chance to look at them first though.

And I've noticed photos are a lot like fic. Some are really popular, who knows why. And others no one notices and are quite brilliant. Perhaps you'll find something enjoyable, a hidden gem. If there are any you truly love here or on the webpage itself, I'd love to either print one and send it to you, or give you a high resolution file so you can make a print. Why yes, I do know the photographer-he took the photo in my icon as well. ;)

Early morning snow This was the view behind my house until they took the trees down (I remember us discussing chaining ourselves to trees, did we not?)

Solitude Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, Oregon

Arches Inside the National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, DC

Early Birds Nags Head, Outer Banks, North Carolina

Fishing boat returning to port Near Roseto degli Abruzzi, on the Adriatic, Italy

Dec. 27th, 2008


Icon: Remus & Teddy

Just a little thing today, Red.


An icon of Remus and Teddy. ;) Of course, Teddy isn't actually a wolf but so what. He's adorable. :)

ETA: Seems like I ought to mention this is only for Red (not that any of us would nick it).

Dec. 24th, 2008


Christmas Eve

Title: Christmas Eve
"Artist": [info]torino10154
Media: Washable marker, crayon, colored pencil
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rating: G
Warning: I drew it. And fluff.
Disclaimer: For as much as you can tell who is in this, yeah, they are mine. :P
A/N: Drawn for [info]red_day_dawning for the Twelve Days of Red.

Aug. 10th, 2008



I suppose this is a little self-indulgent as much of it has to do with my trip(s). I already mentioned to [info]red_day_dawning, the only fic inspiration I had at all while I was away was for a Snupin for her but I haven't managed to get it finished - instead my brain writes Ron/Scabbers to pass the time. :P However, I do have some things to share instead.

Some photos for Red )

Jun. 20th, 2008



A lot of folks have been playing with Wordle for the last couple of days. I thought it would be fun to plug in fic. I used [info]red_day_dawning's Snupin drabble, Banish All Spoons for this one. Click to enlarge.