April 29th, 2008

[info]vindictiveraven in [info]rebel_rebel

WHO: Dorcas Meadows and Regulus Black (YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT)
WHAT: Uhm...nothing friendly so far...
WHERE: Some pub near Dorcas's flat
WHY: Because Dorcas may or may not be an alcoholic...
RATING: PG-13/R for language
STATUS: Completed!

Whiskey is the life of man, I drink my whiskey from an old tin can )

[info]illbefrank in [info]rebel_rebel

Who: Alice and Frank Longbottom
Where: Their home
When: Late Tuesday evening. After tucking Neville in
What: They talk about some issues that have been lurking beneath the surface of their otherwise happy home
Rating: G, maybe PG, but probably G
Status: Complete

It just sort of hit him all at once how much he missed his son )

[info]lilikins in [info]rebel_rebel

Owl to Dorcas Meadowes )