June 10th, 2014



Finding horses

Characters: Dahlia and Jaime
When: Thursday Early Night
Location: Around the Dome – Finding horses
Warnings/Rating: Swearing maybe
Summary: Dahlia wants to see the horses
Status: Complete

When Dahlia heard about the lunch that was planned she wasn’t sure she was going to go. )

Lazy Man's Assault

Characters: Bailey, open
When: Wednesday evening, 8:30 or so
Location: The area between the cabins and the Keep
Warnings/Rating: language
Summary: Bailey decides to finally take a look at his panel.
Status: open

He could only be lazy for so long )




Characters: Tris, Doug
When: Thursday night
Location: their cabin
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Doug discovers something suspicious about his birthday present
Status: closed, ongoing

That probably wasn't supposed to happen )



And you'll ask yourself...

Characters: Dahlia and Jake
When: Friday Late Night – Saturday Early Morning
Location: His cabin
Warnings/Rating: probably swearing
Summary: Dahlia has a bad day
Status: Complete

Where is my mind? )