April 21st, 2014



Fishy Entertainment

Characters: Tris, Doug
When: 9:15 PM, Monday
Location: the Keep, near the fish tank
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Tris watches fish, eats popcorn, and wonders about the week.
Status: Complete

Here, fishy fishy fishy )



Requests Granted

Characters: Jaime, Jake
When: Tuesday, January 14
Location: the usual table
Summary: Two requests are granted. Kinda.

Request )

Characters: April
When: Wednesday, January 15
Location: the usual table
Summary: A request is granted. Kinda.

Request )

[Only because they're all my characters and it saves me a post; not to speed ahead to Wednesday ;) ]




Characters: Jason, Juliet, Matt
When: Monday evening
Location: the lab
Warnings/Rating: The usual. Language. And spoilers
Summary: More discussions
Status: Complete

La la la )