March 28th, 2014




Characters: Jaime, Linda
When: Thursday, early afternoon
Location: outside, toward the cherry trees
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Jaime and Linda consider riding tackless horses
Status: Complete

If that was the worst the week had to offer ... )



Death Warmed Over

Characters: Eli, April
When: Thursday, 3 PM
Location: Her cabin
Warnings/Rating: none anticipated
Summary: Eli checks up on April
Status: Complete, gdocs’d

She hadn’t responded to his message. )



FRIDAY - 1100 AM

Who: Jeno and OPEN
What: Jeno ponders using the needle with his name on it.
When: Friday Afternoon
Where: Sitting under a tree near the Keep.
Warnings: None other than language anticipated.

To follow the white rabbit, or not? )