March 27th, 2014



[No Subject]

Characters: Sin
When: Wednesday, late afternoon
Location: Bedroom of Sin’s Cabin (6)
Warnings/Rating: Language
Summary: Sin debates and injects
Status: Narrative, Complete

I hope you motherfuckers appreciate this. )




Characters: April
When: Wednesday night, 9 PM on.
Location: her cabin
Warnings/Rating: near-death, angst, graphic suffocation feels
Summary: April grows her wings back real fast
Status: Narrative

Oh ... )



[No Subject]

Characters: Alexandra and Dahlia
When: 10 pm Wednesday Night
Location: Cabin 1
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Summary: Contemplating injecting the needle and meeting the roommate.
Status: Closed, complete

Let's see how far down the rabbit hole I've fallen )