April 18th, 2009

[info]mikain in [info]rc_comm


This is so dull. Really, some greenhorn trying to lay his hands on me. I'm not an infant.

As silly as this may sound, is there any of my brethren here? Doubtful.

This is Mistress of the Coven, that's all for now.

Oh, and Nash? If you are here and I find you are avoiding me? There will be consequences.

[info]needalay in [info]rc_comm

Talking about stuff.

Well, Umbrella you've done it again. Anyone else feel like they got fucked over? One minute I'm doing recon with J.D. and the next some bitch bites my hand!

[info]gvirus in [info]rc_comm

I do hope you are all remembering to incinerate the bodies of the carriers after you've shot them.

[info]bluerogue in [info]rc_comm

So this isn't Arcadia, I've gathered that much.

Just what exactly is...is going- Is this thing even working? I was given it by some person who said I can communicate with it, I've never used anything like this before so I'm not even sure I'm using it right. Aheh...

Aika? Fina? You guys aren't here are you? I hope they're alright...

[info]governmentagent in [info]rc_comm

Never thought I'd be back here. Never thought I'd see this place standing again either.

I received orders to come back to Raccoon City. It included information about an infection in the, now, Lower City. My orders are to protect the civilians of Higher City from the infected. I'm Leon S. Kennedy should you need my response.

...I think that's all.

[info]silvereclipse in [info]rc_comm


How embarrassing. Brought to a hospital by Fina, only to spend a few hours on "morphine", babbling incoherently like drunken Upper City slime in Valua.

Whether or not I needed rest is irrelevant. I now owe Fina, and the very thought of being in debt to anyone makes my skin crawl.
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[info]smelliot in [info]rc_comm

Please tell me that there is more than one inn here and that I accidentally picked the scummiest one! Does anyone happen to know of a sanitary inn with affordable rates?