April 19th, 2009

[info]son_of_angel in [info]rc_comm

Okay, so being transported here without telling me about it? So not cool. A few guards trying to grab me like they own me? So not cool either. Seriously, they're lucky I didn't kick their asses. Came close. Besides, it's never a good idea to touch from behind without me knowing about it. Could have been a demon.

But zombies? Really? Oh wait, I've seen them before. Took out a few back then. Well... guess it's hunting time again! Probably a good thing that I managed to already have a few weapons on me when I got here. Personally, I prefer vampires. They're simpler to take out. I'm Connor, by the way. Just graduated from Stanford last year.

[info]adrianhere in [info]rc_comm

Okay, I'm not entirely sure if someone's playing a prank but it's bleeding brilliant! Seriously, all those things walking around all bonkers. I was trying to talk to some of them but they just ignored me. All moaning and groaning. It's a good thing I didn't get too close, though!

[info]lestrangedbelle in [info]rc_comm

If this is some kind of joke, I'm not bloody laughing. Seriously, Rod, if you had anything to do with this.

And what sort of magic is this? I don't understand. And those weird looking fuckers with the pamphlets? Yeah, keep them.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]rc_comm

I'm seconding the voice on the motel rooms being disgusting around here.

Finding dead animals in the shower after getting in is fucking ridiculous. I was halfway worried that the damn thing was gonna come back to life and try to bite me, what with the zombies being on the prowl and all.

I hate it here. I hate my room. I hate the zombies. I hate teleporting devices. I hate squirrely looking rat things that decide to just DIE in my shower. I. Hate. It.

[info]eclipsedwolf in [info]rc_comm

There has to be something fun to do around this place....Any suggestions?

[info]eclipsedwolf in [info]rc_comm

Message to Sonja

Say, want to come back out to the Lower City with me tonight? I'm bored out of my mind and we're gonna go kill some zombies!

[info]silvereclipse in [info]rc_comm

*self-contained raaage*

... I am torn.
On one hand, I am still an admiral within the Imperial Armada, in the service of the closest man I have ever had to a father.

On the other, I have been reunited with the closest thing I have ever had to a sister. She confessed her love for me... and as much as I try to force myself to disregard my past while remaining loyal to Lord Galcian... I cannot help but remember the days we spent together, ten years ago, when it was only the two of us.

How ironic it is, then, that we met for the first time on the opposite sides of the battlefield. She is my enemy, and yet, she still loves me.

I do not know any of you, and frankly, I do not care to.
All I ask is a simple question... which is more important? Duty, or love? Loyalty to one's commander, or loyalty to a woman?

[info]grim_pilot in [info]rc_comm

News Broadcast

RCBN News is bringing you the latest in breaking news. We have reports of a disturbance taking place at Downtown central park. We have our reporter on the scene standing by. Roger, what do you see?

Well, Mary, I'm here on the west side of Central Park, where there appears to be a giant robot standing in the center of the park. Now, we don't know if this is some sort of prank, or some sort of art project, but this thing is massive, and no one can tell us how it got here. The police are not letting us in close, but if you can just see behind me--

[ooc: For full sized image]

--it is a very large robot. It looks metallic to me, but it's hard to tell from this distance, and as I said, police are keeping everyone away. I'm not sure what they're thinking. They're not telling us anything.

[A commotion. Officers are shouting at the news crews to move back.]

We are being told to move even further away! We are not being told what is going on. Can you tell us something, Officer?

[Angry shouts to move away]

We're going to have to relocate, Mary. We're sending it back to you until we can find a new location.

Thank you, Roger. We hope we can get back to you in just a few minutes. For those of us just joining us, a large object resembling a massive robot has appeared in Central Park. We will keep you updated on this breaking story.

[OOC: For the item plot, Duo's gundam has appeared in the park, see the map for reference, the park, grassy area around park street is where it showed up. It is about 16 meters tall, and that's about fifty feet or so.]