March 4th, 2015

[info]alwayssearching in [info]ravenooc

Hello everyone! I think I probably know many of you, if not all of you. Anyhow, I'm Mandy. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and your characters. Speaking of which I bring you:

Eric Northman from True Blood / Southern Vampire Mysteries (My Eric is, admittedly, a mix of both book and t.v. canon as I have both read and watched the entire series)
Jason Gideon of Criminal Minds
Sirius Black from Harry Potter
Derek Morgan from Criminal Minds
And my OCs
Miranda Gordon is a Buffy / Angel based character
Cole Gordon ^ her son and
Jaelin DiNozzo is NCIS based

These are my characters for now and look forward to threading with you all :D