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So, I have a birthday next week, on Friday. There should be a party! A very big one. Should have it right here in my dorm. Associates, classmates, roommates, family, etc. will all be welcome. Yes, Potter, even you are welcome. Of course.. you would be anyway. I mean, it's your suite too. Wouldn't want anyone that lives here to be left out of any fun activities. I can think of a few fun things to Umm, nevermind

Can I meet you for a few minutes? I'm bored. Well, one reason. But there's something I have to share. And, umm.. well. Thanks. For showing me how to use the TV stuff. And the microwave. And toasters. And saving my life but I'll say that in person


Even though I rather be off in other places saving the world, I do happen to like teaching. Those taking my class, remember there will be a test on Monday to test what you all know. If you have questions please find me.

Private to Hawkeye
What do you say we do something together just us?No Avengers,just you and me? Been too long since we spent time together. Love you so much, my love. I'm still scared that something will pull us apart. Please tell me that is all in my head...


All the muggle stores say it's some sort of holiday?


Fleur? Anyone? Where am I?


My name is Kris and I own Rising Fire stables. I need help at the stables. Looking for stable hands and office help.


I think you and I got off on the wrong-

If you're not busy-

Are you busy?


Filtered to Harry Potter

Hey.. Potter er, Harry? Are you busy now? There's something I really need to talk to you about. It's of a personal nature and so I feel it's proper to discuss it in person instead of with these.. things. Can we meet? Maybe now Probably in the privacy of one of our rooms so no one but you can hear what I speak. No rush, just whenever you're available.


Spending all day in the gym with the students and then I'll try relaxing - if I can remember how.


I do not regret forgoing going to college. Better to stay away from certain distractions. I doubt they'd have let me in anyway.

But so far I like this new town. Starting somewhat fresh is always a good thing.


I've been here a while now. And I still need to find a job. Anyone got any ideas?


Drills for the week have been cancelled.

You'll be making up for the lack of class with the students in the Science Hall.


This isn't Los Angeles... it feels far too cold. Where am I and how did I get here?

Is any of my family here? Mommy? Daddy? Henry? Persephone? Anyone?

Suppose it could be worse...


This is new, even for me.

James? Anyone?


Yep, it's official. I hate it here.


Something is not right here. Where am I and how did I get here? Carl? Daryl? Carol? Anyone?


[Hexxed private to anyone in the magic community]
Right then, who'se up for a rousing game of Quidditch?


At least thing's seem to be settling down

How are you?

[Tasha and Clint]
If you guy's want, we should meet up.



[ Merlin ]

There's...someone here who looks like you and who mentioned London. You still know who I am, right?

I love you.


Has anyone seen a pirate around here?


Right then, being about far from London as I can get is meant to be relaxing. Suppose this American school will help as well.

Is anyone actually out there?

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May 2015



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