
Spending all day in the gym with the students and then I'll try relaxing - if I can remember how.


video post;

[An arm that is moving. That is the only thing that's seen. But the arm stretches out and there's a second - albeit very shiny and metallic looking under the lights. Someone's exercising and - look it's Bucky! He's in the gym area, getting rid of pent up energy.

The feed cuts out only after the cord he's holding with his prostetic arm snaps and he glances around in embarrassment.


Never thought I would set foot in thr academy again. But I guess I am needed so here I am. Let the insanitybegin. Anyone I know here?


accidental audio post;

[Bucky read Damien's post and was thinking about HYDRA, which started all the mess he's creating that can be heard. He's got a lot of feelings. Violence is the only way he can figure to get them out.]

Damn it, no! No, no, no...

[A thump, thud, and sound of glass being shattered later and things go eerily quiet.]

I-- [His voice breaks and there's another thud as the post cuts off abruptly.]


Alright, so new place, new town. This calls for a party,I think.


At least teaching feels right.