January 24th, 2015

[info]almostwas in [info]ravennetwork

So who needs a study buddy?

[info]gasconmusketeer in [info]ravennetwork

What? Where am I? When am I?

Athos? Porthos? Aramis? Treville? You here?

[info]mramericandream in [info]ravennetwork

I so need a change of scenery. Although I got quite attached to working inside a pumpkin. But it holds nothing for me any more. So I figured I'd join the police department in somewhat familiar surroundings.

[info]findinglevity in [info]ravennetwork

Interesting. Could it be the particle acclerator mishap reached to this place? I hear there are metahumans here too. So is there something to do in this place. Preferably something cool.