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rated x

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[10 Sep 2024|12:59am]
Slash lines including monsters and machines for my human men, ideas and inspiration in the journal
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[10 Sep 2024|11:48am]
can I get a slash psl for spooky season. Dark taboos and monstrous ideas.
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[10 Sep 2024|12:16pm]
A male demon or vampire for this young witch. She has power she’s barely learned how to control, he can help her but at a cost. The lines blur. Things become dark and messy.

I would also love to take this line to a supernatural comm if there is one who would want her/them or she could fill something fitting.
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[10 Sep 2024|07:09pm]
A top for some spooky slash? Werewolves, vampires, witches, and monsters...
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[10 Sep 2024|11:20pm]
still on the lookout for someone to play the aggressor in a dark, plot based slash stockholm syndrome line. open on overall plot - a serial killer and his forced protege, a usurper and the true heir, a power hungry individual in a dystopian setting and his powered right hand man, something involving the supernatural, etc! happy to add other elements and make this as dark as we'd like and i'd particularly love to explore themes of corruption, losing closely held morals, and the like. feel free to ignore the icon if tom isn't your guy!
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[ viewing | September 10th, 2024 ]
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