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rated x

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[21 Aug 2021|12:54am]
[info]bigsistermod Someone to rock this woman's world in ways she has no idea? Femme or futa.
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[21 Aug 2021|10:32am]
[info]packlaw I'd love dancers for his strip club, and also exes/former subs both male and female.
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[21 Aug 2021|11:17am]
Looking for a slash line for him.

Either he's a business man and he's at some conference for the weekend. Maybe he's out for drinks with a coworker or he ends up at a club. He spends the night with a man while he has a wife at home. But things aren't that easy. He is in the closet but no virgin to men. Would love to explore something with confusion/emotions and not just smut.

Or he and his wife want to spice up their sex life a little and meet with another couple. They set the rules and explore. Only that the guys are having so much more fun together.

Private lines only please!
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[21 Aug 2021|11:31am]
She's a teacher and while some of her students crush on her, she always managed to stick to the rules. But then she falls heavily for one of the guys. And he feels the same way about her. They try to sneak around but rumors are soon popping up. Looking to explore this. She might end up pregnant and/or this affair might turn into more.

Looking for the male student here. I am open to most faces but please have your character be 18+.
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[21 Aug 2021|04:48pm]
Looking for a celeb psl or two to cure my boredom. Het, slash or femme, check the journal for who I play.
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[21 Aug 2021|06:44pm]
Someone, anyone please play Madelyn Cline against him on wire @barackandrolla or discord @barackandrolla#5750, or even journals! Open to other pairings but Madelyn would be my top choice!
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[21 Aug 2021|07:22pm]
[info]bigsistermod Erin Richards for something that starts as a showmance and might become more if we click well?
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[21 Aug 2021|08:32pm]
looking for an alpha for him with some backstory/plotting along with the smut stuff. would be open to a dom as well. i have some ideas but happy to brainstorm. would prefer m/m but could be open to m/f.
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[21 Aug 2021|08:49pm]
Any of the Bat-fam for something with Harley?
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[ viewing | August 21st, 2021 ]
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