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rated x

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[16 Apr 2021|11:08am]
het or slash for tom? mcu faces always welcome, current, past, future co-stars friends or others.
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[16 Apr 2021|06:05pm]
anyone looking for femme/pb with a large age gap?
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[16 Apr 2021|06:28pm]
check the journal. looking for a taboo age gap slash line, details inside.
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[16 Apr 2021|09:41pm]
anyone out there pb black characters and would be up for a slash incest line against this guy? dad, uncle, brother, or cousin is cool. also open to a white half brother or dad if i can’t get it filled otherwise. premise/pairing can be as dark as you’re comfortable with. i play him as a top mostly if that matters.
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[16 Apr 2021|10:58pm]
Gauging interest in a supernatural Roman inspired BDSM gpsl: masters/slaves, gladiators, epicureans and plebs. Modern day setting. Also looking for slash psls.
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[ viewing | April 16th, 2021 ]
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