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rated x

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[14 Apr 2021|07:16am]
Seeking this guy's brother, ex-wife, and some friends from all eras of his life. [info]haddonfieldil. I'm headed to work but will try to ping back anyone interested during the day.
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[14 Apr 2021|09:34am]
looking for some video game based psls - ideally wanting to play mad moxxi against handsome jack (borderlands), a female oc or sarah against deacon (days gone) or elizabeth against booker (bioshock infinite). we can stick to using the video game character’s faces or pick out proper pbs. hoping for something with lots of world building, shenanigans, romance and even some smut (i love to use rule 34 gifs for customs and such). feel free to hit me up here or in my screened post so we can sort things out
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[14 Apr 2021|02:09pm]
Looking for an Alexander Skarsgard PB for a long-term line that involves equal parts angst, drama, and smut. Leave a comment on the journal if you're interested.

[14 Apr 2021|03:41pm]

Looking for some lines for this guy over at [info]calixto! Friends, coworkers, bandmates!

We are a writing-centric comm and I am hoping to find an active, committed writer. Thanks!

Open to faces. His is Chris Evans.
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[ viewing | April 14th, 2021 ]
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