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rated x

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[25 Mar 2021|02:30am]
younger women for something het?
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[25 Mar 2021|07:01am]
Fluffy het lines for this lady? Can involve pregnancy but it's not a must.
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[25 Mar 2021|10:08am]
marvel men, non marvel men, anyone for some smutty scenes with tom? maybe a lady or two?
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[25 Mar 2021|07:30pm]
[info]mademen looking for some sex workers/escorts to double as models, as well as informants for this manhattan genovese capo. model doesn't suit your fancy? [info]mrosata is looking for broadway chorus girls to double as sex workers/escorts, so hit them up. male or female characters welcomed for these roles. also looking for someone to run the nightclub that serves as leo's 'public office', where he conducts his meetings and other debauchery. also an allied drug cartel would be awesome. comments screened!
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[25 Mar 2021|08:28pm]
anything with a good mix of smut and plot for a dom finn pb? het or slash, open to dark / taboo type lines. let me know who you play.
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[25 Mar 2021|08:48pm]
het or slash customs for him?
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[ viewing | March 25th, 2021 ]
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