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rated x

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[27 Feb 2021|04:45am]
an mcu lady for something het?
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[27 Feb 2021|09:25am]
Offering this guy or [info]begin__again for psl purposes.

Plot ideas located here & here.

If interested, or to share your own ideas, please comment H E R E!

No dub-con, non-con, or ~dark themes only~. If sweet / angsty / smutty / fluffy things are not your jam, then I am not the partner for you. Slow tagging.
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[27 Feb 2021|11:24am]
KJ for my Casey? PB or celeb.
I would love something where KJ decides to experiment with Casey out of curiosity but it's not a deal breaker.
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[27 Feb 2021|12:05pm]
Thing to occupy the weekend. No slash please.
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[27 Feb 2021|02:29pm]
filthy het or slash customs for jacob elordi?
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[27 Feb 2021|04:00pm]
anyone up for something against the boys in my icons? it hasn’t been updated, but still pretty accurate — always open to suggestions and pairings.

(ETA: looking for slash.) in the mood to write some straight up smut with few hard limits (details in the journal), but it could become a line if we mesh.

i can rock journals or apps, hmu. all comments screened
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[27 Feb 2021|06:19pm]
Looking for someone to play a femme or futa older sister(High school or college age) to corrupt her sister.
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[27 Feb 2021|06:52pm]
lagertha/ragnar, lagertha/rollo, assassin's creed valhalla x vikings crossover or AU or something similar? really wanting to play the shieldmaiden sort
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[27 Feb 2021|11:35pm]
slash or het or tom? open to faces. marvel always welcome. dirty customs, scenes. whatever your heart desires.
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