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rated x

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[17 Dec 2019|08:06am]
One moment everything is normal. You're shopping, you're out for a walk or a run. Maybe reading a book or talking to a friend. The next moment you're in a compromising position with a man and you have no idea how you got there.

Looking for females to play against a guy who can stop time to take advantage of whoever he pleases. Screened dropbox in the journal for anyone interested.
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[17 Dec 2019|01:54pm]
Some more Once Upon a Time cast? We have Belle and this Tink as of right now. [info]boltonlake It would be wonderful to see people like Regina, Emma, Mary Margaret, Mr. Gold (ESPECIALLY for Belle!), aged up Henry, Robin Hood, Hook, all of those amazing characters.
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[17 Dec 2019|03:54pm]
incest lines? check the journal. het or slash
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[17 Dec 2019|08:20pm]
your character orders a sex doll. they don't expect to receive an actual girl as their new toy.

femme, futa, het.
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[ viewing | December 17th, 2019 ]
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