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[01 Sep 2019|09:11am]
[info]boltonlake more mcu ladies for elektra to make eyes at. more ladies in general, svp.
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[01 Sep 2019|10:08am]
a cboy timothee for a line? preferably long-term
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[01 Sep 2019|10:46am]
[info]abstinence Rob Pattinson to take part in hijinks of a lascivious nature.
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[01 Sep 2019|12:41pm]
Any chance I could get a bearded Karl Urban PB for a slash line? ABO is a plus but not required. I'm wide open to ideas!
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[01 Sep 2019|01:23pm]
Searching for Cassian!

We could play many things -

* Amnesia AU

* Arranged Marriage (within the Rebellion OR Empire!Jyn x Cassian-on-a-mission!)

* Aphrodisiac or Sex Pollen

* Force Bond AU

* Or other Jyn-is-an-Imperial, Cassian-is-on-a-mission AU's! (Original flavor, where she's got information he needs, he just needs to get closer in order to find it, the stranded AU, where they need to survive by any means necessary and it gets very cold at night aboard their grounded transport, or she finds and cares for a wounded Cassian)

* Reunited after a long time apart

* For the sake of a mission, they have to really sell the idea that they're ~intimately acquainted

* An accidental proposal becomes real

* Long distance fun sexy times via comm or Space Skype, idk.

* After seeing this, I'm interested in something where Jyn wakes up injured in the wake of Scarif only to find a younger Cassian taking care of her.

Bring me your ideas, too! I'm open to many AU's, including modern!
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[01 Sep 2019|01:54pm]
Since it's impossible to find a writer who does not die off, I am hoping to turn this into a slashy line since I love this idea so much. Would anyone be interested?

Slightly inspired by the IT trailer but minus the horror part. He was part of a group of friends that were all but popular. They made a pact to meet again after 20 years. Which is was they do now. Maybe its a school reunion and they kind of do their own? He had been the fat kid as they were kids but it didnt bother him, he was his best friend. He had a crush on him. Now hes the total opposite and all the women/men flirt with him at that reunion. All bullied him back then and he never forgot that. when he runs into his best friend again he doesnt recognise him and tells him hes waiting for someone special. Throw in a few dramatic things, angst and some romance. Who wants to write him?
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[01 Sep 2019|04:43pm]
[info]abstinence Chris Hemsworth, Kristen Wiig, Amy Adams, Isla Fisher, Jon Hamm, Ryan Reynolds, Armie Hammer, Yael Grobglas.
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[01 Sep 2019|06:03pm]
Ignore the icon (or don't) but looking for someone to play an unconventional face or someone from my male wish list in something either long term, heavy smut one shot (or hell a mix of both). I come bearing ideas from almost every genre (though slice of life, science fiction, urban fantasy and canon settings are my bread-and-butter). Slash but feel free to ask for a custom, or leave a custom.
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[01 Sep 2019|10:50pm]
[info]abstinence lakeith stanfield, shailene woodley, idris freaking elba, all of you, come on down for some fun!
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[01 Sep 2019|11:08pm]
large age gap incest lines for my Dove Cameron pb? her grandfather would be amazing but other relatives are welcome. het only. customs to start, but I’d love to scene if things last.
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