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rated x

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[12 Dec 2015|01:31am]
Would anyone be interested in playing an experienced sub against someone interested in dommeing? Someone to guide her a little and teach her the rules? Journals only, het preferred, very flexible on PBs.
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[12 Dec 2015|02:11am]
[info]cestful her twin brother please.
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[12 Dec 2015|06:56am]
looking for someone to play the male in a daddy!kink line. threading or aim is fine. i'm open-ish on faces.
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[12 Dec 2015|07:28am]
PB to play Justin's head of security who decides to put the drunken, demanding pop brat in his place? Journals.
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[12 Dec 2015|08:41am]
Looking to play The Purple Man from Jessica Jones against someone from the series of in a crossover capacity.

For those that don't know about him, he does possess the power to control minds. How you ask? Well, simply put, he says something and you do it without questioning it. You can hate every single second of it, cry about it (unless he tells you not to) and complain all you want but the fact remains that Kilgrave will get what he wants.

I am also up for playing a few other bad guys if we can find a good scenario for them. Ranging from DC (Lex Luthor) to video games (Handsome Jack) to whatever we can come up with. Feel free to suggest anything. The worst that can happen is that I'll say no/I don't know of them!
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X-posted [12 Dec 2015|10:11am]
While I get him situated to go into a comm, how about some psls? I would love to do an Arrow-verse crossover with Oliver and/or Felicity. Taylor Kinney from Chicago Fire or Dr. Bones from Star Trek.
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[12 Dec 2015|12:04pm]
A hot (male) thing to make into my play toy?
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[12 Dec 2015|01:23pm]
Would love a new line or two!
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[12 Dec 2015|02:19pm]
customs or scenes for jennifer morrison? i would love the ouat cast but i'm open to anyone!
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[12 Dec 2015|07:36pm]
Anyone up for a s/m type relationship or just a May/December line? I would love to get a Sly Stallone, Jim Beaver, or Mark Sheppard.
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[12 Dec 2015|10:18pm]
Incestuous father/son sl: details are here. dropbox is open.
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[12 Dec 2015|10:51pm]
looking for some lines for my girl. some kink-centric ones would be great. open to all ideas.
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[12 Dec 2015|11:05pm]
Seeking something largely lighthearted and smut-centric, with a copious amount of humor/comedy, banter, fluff and warm erotic sensuality. Kink-wise, I'm interested in involving nylons/stockings, light bondage, Power Perversion Potential, footplay (if possible) and generally lighthearted kinkery. Check the journal for info, prompts and such. Comments screened.
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