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[06 Oct 2015|12:51am]
Who is wanted at [info]stimulation?
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[06 Oct 2015|01:12am]
[info]stimulation girls girls girls......
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[06 Oct 2015|01:28am]
derek hough or other dwts guys.
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[06 Oct 2015|08:13am]
Would anyone be interested in a psl against this escort? Maybe things turning into something more romantic making it a little awkward and difficult. Het or femme.
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[06 Oct 2015|08:14am]
[info]stimulation people who watch TGIT in real time, and will flip the fuck out with me on a weekly basis.
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[06 Oct 2015|03:46pm]
slash for a walter savage? another model pb would be cool but isn't necessary at all! maybe a line involving some unresolved sexual tension though.
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[06 Oct 2015|06:04pm]
long shot but a Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, or another pb male around that age to be made into another male's fuck toy? Consensual or light dub con. Will do celeb if the idea is steamy enough.

Edit - drake, too!
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[06 Oct 2015|06:27pm]
[info]stimulation adds are tonight, get your apps in!!
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[06 Oct 2015|06:35pm]
Does anyone from the OUAT world or some other fandoms that can match up like Buffy, Supernatural, etc. feel like playing with Belle? Male or female as she isn't shy and is ready to let out her bad girl side. Comment here or in the journal for a custom.
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[06 Oct 2015|07:09pm]
some filthy scenes or customs for her? the dirtier, the better.
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[06 Oct 2015|07:38pm]
Looking for a few psls either het or femme. This season based or past seasons. Emma as the dark one or the savior. Crossovers can work too!
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[06 Oct 2015|07:41pm]
Looking for smut with a magical twist. A man or woman to be her plaything. Sometimes she wants said plaything to have a pussy rather than a cock (and vice versa) or wants to play with the scale and sensitivity of things, depending on her mood. She's big on bondage, toys, and using her playthings as party games when she has guests over. We can discuss how else to incorporate the magic element if you have some ideas. Open to faces. AIM only.
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[06 Oct 2015|07:59pm]
would anyone be interested in playing opposite either charlie cox or rami malek in a slash line involving a devoutly religious couple who have saved themselves for marriage? i could also consider playing either of them as a 30 year old virgin being pursued by a more experienced guy. i just want to write out awkward first times, lol.
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[06 Oct 2015|09:44pm]
[info]stimulation ian bohen, charlie carver and max carver as well as the rest of the teenwolf cast.
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[06 Oct 2015|10:46pm]
[info]stimulation would hayley be wanted?
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