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[17 Sep 2015|01:53pm]
johnny depp for customs/journal based psl?
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[17 Sep 2015|02:13pm]
anyone up for a slash psl against this justin pb? i've got a few specific ideas in mind already.
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[17 Sep 2015|06:29pm]
looking for more folks at [info]modnxt! it's a next-gen hp gpsl that takes place at hogwarts and tons of characters and faces are still available.

i'd particularly like to see molly weasley, lucy's identical twin sister. she's a gryffindor and more of a wild girl than her sister is and is usually the reason lucy actually puts the books away and socializes. i'd also like to see albus potter, rose weasley, scorpius malfoy, lily potter, hugo weasley, and any of the other next gen weasleys around. lorcan and lysander scamander would also be great.

lucy also had a summer fling where she lost her virginity, but the romance just kind of was put on hold when school started. it'd be fun to explore that, so i'd like to see him around. not picky about just who he is, but i wouldn't say no to a sam claflin face for him.
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[17 Sep 2015|07:58pm]
[info]stimulation adds are tomorrow and we'd love to have you here!
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[17 Sep 2015|08:28pm]
An older dominant to keep a younger, sweeter thing as a pet. Can be het, slash, or femme. I'd just like to play the younger half. Kinkier the better; bondage, toys, humiliation, feminization, petplay, rented out, party entertainment. I'll consider almost anything.

AIM only, for now.
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cross-posted [17 Sep 2015|08:40pm]
does or would anyone play paige or bayley from the wwe? celeb or pb
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[17 Sep 2015|08:45pm]
zayn malik, liam payne, and niall horan!!! I'd love niall as his best friend growing up and maybe zayn as the ex lover turned good friend! [info]daddies!!!
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[17 Sep 2015|10:18pm]
Looking for a line where I play a stripper at a bachelor party (private or at a club) that fucks the groom-to-be. Bonus points if there's an audience.
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[17 Sep 2015|11:05pm]
het threads/customs.
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[17 Sep 2015|11:05pm]
Can I get something for this girl? Up for anything, really. Someone dominating her would be nice, though.
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[17 Sep 2015|11:36pm]
[info]stimulation cute girls to flirt with
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[17 Sep 2015|11:53pm]
pb women for asap rocky? kristen bell would be a bonus.
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[17 Sep 2015|11:55pm]
she runs into a dealer that she used to sleep with for drugs, and ends up spiraling back down into dependency on it and him. journals only, kinks in the journal.
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[ viewing | September 17th, 2015 ]
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