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rated x

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[22 Apr 2015|02:27am]
Looking for lines. Dark themes, extreme kinks, good writing.
Check the journal.
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[22 Apr 2015|10:31am]
[info]wildemont Jamie Campbell Bower or Luke Pasqualino for something forbidden :)
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[22 Apr 2015|01:49pm]
Incest gpsl now open for holds. Particularly looking for parents right now, but there are some children still open.
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[22 Apr 2015|04:18pm]
A young woman who is given to, offers herself to, or is taken by a yeti, werewolf, or beast as his mate? The line would include breeding.
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[22 Apr 2015|05:22pm]
I'll get icons once I get off work but can I get something filthy and gay for my Sebastian, Liam or Stephen Amell? I would prefer no one super young but I would love a Chris Evans. Pb or celeb and a huge fan of unconventional!
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[22 Apr 2015|09:33pm]
Looking for a beautiful psl where there's been the big love between two characters but he left and they broke up and now after 5+ years they meet again....but he's crushing on another woman but it's confusing him to be around his ex again. Looking for someone to play her ex. She is going to be the ex. Could they have a future? Who wants to push their character into this line with mine?
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[22 Apr 2015|10:46pm]
Looking for ladies!

Female Marvel co-stars or Alumni! Parks and Rec alumni! (Or chicks from The Office, love that show!), Bryce Dallas Howard, Elizabeth Banks, Allison Brie, Scar-Jo, Amy Adams, Olivia Wilde, Cobie Smulders.... Or you know, my wife. She's hot too.

Others too but these are the ones off the top of my head!
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[22 Apr 2015|10:54pm]
Anyone out there up for a femme line? She'd love someone to play with.
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