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[13 Apr 2015|12:26am]
Girls and women for a futa Scarlett pb? Journals only.
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[13 Apr 2015|02:28am]
agent hill, agent morse, pepper potts, agent skye, agent simmons, agent romanoff, agent 13, jane foster, maya hansen, any other marvel lady who has appeared on screen (storm, emma frost, angel salvadore, kitty pryde?), please report for your debriefing
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[13 Apr 2015|11:40am]
[info]ripleymod Femme and futa gpsl with a supernatural element. Check out the premise/discussion post in the journal for more.
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Searching for fandoms... [13 Apr 2015|12:18pm]
Looking to bring some new fandoms into [info]ftownmods...

If anyone plays characters from:
Bates Motel
The Walking Dead
Doctor Who
Final Fantasy
Mortal Kombat
Star Trek
The LEGO Movie
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit

We'd love to see them over at Freedomtown!
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[13 Apr 2015|01:53pm]
Looking for some lines. Het or Slash. I'd like to play against some of these:

Walking Dead: Rick, Shane, Merle, Governor, Gareth, Aaron, Abraham.

Marvel/X-Men/Shield: Wolverine, Captain America, Magneto (Past), Colossus, Hawkeye, Grant Ward, Coulson, Glenn Talbot, Sunil Bakshi, Daredevil, Peter Quill, Drax.

Game of Thrones: Stannis, Renly, Gregor Clegane, Petyr Baelish, Ramsay, Oberyn, Gendry, Robb Stark.
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[13 Apr 2015|02:19pm]
[info]hellfiredemons would anyone be interested in writing out a forbidden/older/younger line with her? She is 18. Plot can be discussed. Comments screened.
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[13 Apr 2015|06:13pm]
Slash celeb smut line with a little plot for the Biebs?
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[13 Apr 2015|09:23pm]
Got some odd ideas for Buffy-verse kinky lines...Although I could see it work in other fandoms too. Feel free to ask for some I know/would be willing to do this with! A small list would include ... Dexter, Once Upon A Time, Scrubs, Psych, True Blood, Tales from the Borderlands (or any Borderlands title), Marvel Avengers, Batman/DC....

Something like ... Buffy, Faith, Cordelia or someone else falling asleep in something that shows off their ass... Xander (or someone else) ends up groping them and coming on it in their sleep ... feigning ignorance when/if they find out later. Can happen multiple times until they confront him about it (in whatever way they choose).

Xander fine tunes the love/lust spell to work only when he is actively thinking about and/or looking at the woman in question. That way he can fuck whomever he wants, whenever he wants it.

One of the girls loses a bet with Xander (or someone else) and decides that they'll indulge him in a handjob. He 'accidentally' comes on their face and they end up enjoying the feeling... They don't start a true relationship but they start to allow him to come on them and warn him not to waste his seed, especially when they find out how good for their skin it really is.

Plenty other weird/kinky ideas and I'm more then happy to discuss a crossover scenario if it applies!
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[13 Apr 2015|11:34pm]
Does anyone play any current or former American Idol contestants?
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[13 Apr 2015|11:45pm]
Long shot but does anyone slash Tom Hiddleston or someone else with long legs? I have a few kinks things I wanna do. AIM is preferred if possible but not required.
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