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[02 Mar 2015|12:20am]
femme pb line for anyone in the icons?
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[02 Mar 2015|01:00am]
psl for selena? i have line ideas and pb suggestions.
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i know this is unlikely [02 Mar 2015|05:43am]
i know most people don't do these kinds of lines anymore, but i started one last night and the writer disappeared :( would anyone do an abuse type line? slash, but with a mixture of like a brian kinney type character against a justin taylor one? i just want to write and i'm not picky on faces. i'm trying to find lines again and prove to people i won't flake. would anyone be interested in trying doing this?
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[02 Mar 2015|06:03am]
check the journal, i'm looking for those two lines right now! comment the screened post if interested
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[02 Mar 2015|10:47am]
Looking for lines in ...

Dragon Ball (Z), Life is Strange, Telltale's series (Game of Thrones, The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead), Mass Effect.....

Willing to play most males from any series against females. May be open to select Femme lines as well. Dark is great, crossovers are fine, and up for canon or crack pairings. (I.E. Vegeta and 18? Great! Goku and Chichi? Sure! Carley and Doug? Why not!?)

Hit me up with whatever!
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[02 Mar 2015|10:51am]
Anyone on AIM looking for a het line? I'll play Anna or someone else, male or female.
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[02 Mar 2015|12:24pm]
Around for the day and super bored.

Looking for something smutty, dirty and all kinds of kinky for Ava. Message here or on the journal.
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[02 Mar 2015|12:28pm]
slash for steve? bucky adored but not needed
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[02 Mar 2015|01:07pm]
i am looking for a chance to write this character either against another canonical one or against an oc. slash only. willing to work from any jump off point and taking it our own route or run with them currently being in alexandria. comments are screened, looking for someone who wants to write and develop, not just smut
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[02 Mar 2015|01:25pm]
Just wondering would anyone be game in playing a somewhat older male character from her past profession? She has dabbled in porn before her patch father got her out of that kind of industry. This will be for [info]hellsreapers. I am also looking for the ex she is not over.
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[02 Mar 2015|01:34pm]
A Daddy to give her a spanking? Open to ideas, and also faces. Could be her uncle too.
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[02 Mar 2015|02:41pm]
Looking for some kind of pb line involving crime (maybe she is involved with a gang member or is she is the getaway driver for a robber that she happens to be sleeping with). Journals only. I'm definitely open to other ideas as well.
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[02 Mar 2015|04:46pm]
A gay man turned priest or counselor at a "pray away the gay" camp who gets reminded how much he loves cock? Or just something smutty (customs or scenes) for the day with possible expansion if we click?
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[02 Mar 2015|07:33pm]
something for this futa? i'd love another futa against her or a girl.
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[02 Mar 2015|09:04pm]
filthy customs for andrew lincoln? slash or het
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[ viewing | March 2nd, 2015 ]
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