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[02 Feb 2015|12:15am]
Anyone wanna celebrate? Het or slash.
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[02 Feb 2015|12:15am]
would anyone be interested in brainstorming a long-term supernatural line with lots of custom interaction and scenes?
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[02 Feb 2015|12:18am]
would anyone be interested in a late night sexting type of line over aim for the night to possibly turn into something more long term? het or slash (i would play a male) send me a message on here, i would love to discuss it fully over aim though!
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[02 Feb 2015|06:28am]
[info]demoniac Tom Hiddleston or Sebastian Stan for a potentially dark line?
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[02 Feb 2015|07:18am]
Lines for her? Would love a Tom Hiddleston, Sebastian Stan, Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, open to others.

Several ideas floating around. A photographer who takes advantage of her; a demon summoned accidentally; a possessive vampire; rival magic users; best friend's older brother; historical fantasy. Got an idea of your own? Let's work something out!
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Characters wanted! [02 Feb 2015|09:30am]
I'm looking to get some significant others for my characters over at [info]ftownmods

A Madusa for my Black Bolt, a Crystal for my Ronan The Accuser, a Shiklah for my Deadpool, a Jessica Jones for my Luke Cage, a Tim Drake for my Stephanie Brown, a Jim Rhodes for my Carol Danvers, and a Scorpius Malfoy for my Rose Weasley.

Anyone interested? I offer gratitude and lots of cuddles for any takers.
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[02 Feb 2015|10:39am]
Stuck at work all day so I would love some customs! Het preferred but will do femme with co-stars only.
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[02 Feb 2015|10:55am]
Adds tonight.
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[02 Feb 2015|11:46am]
het psls for her?
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[02 Feb 2015|11:48am]
Anyone want to get rough and dirty in a custom/thread? Open to het along with femme! Would love once upon a time people, especially hook or Regina but open to anyone along with crossovers. Comments are screened so you can be dirty.
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[02 Feb 2015|12:09pm]
Looking to play one of the men of Gotham City (Likely from the Nolanverse but open to other iterations) against Harley Quinn, Batgirl, Barbara Gordon or potentially a crossover with some special ladies from Marvel. Any takers?
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[02 Feb 2015|12:40pm]
Looking for some cartoon based smut lines. Can have plenty of naughty rule 34 posts and obviously as much smutty writing as we can have in there. Some ideas in the journal but willing to hear out others, and potentially have some crossovers!
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[02 Feb 2015|01:37pm]
anything for her?
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[02 Feb 2015|07:19pm]
Might have missed the post/reply (if I did I apologize and feel free to nudge me) but any twink cunt boys need to get bread, maybe even knocked up?
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[02 Feb 2015|07:49pm]
lines for anna from frozen with alexis ren as the pb?
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[02 Feb 2015|07:52pm]
Looking for submissive women of any age. Whether it's because of a lost bet, or because they are naturally submissive doesn't matter. Willing to discuss most stories on how to make this happen.
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[02 Feb 2015|08:26pm]
Looking for someone to play this character's brother in a historical incest line. Would like to play out the emotional aspect of the relationship, not just the sexual one. Slight preference for Christian Bale as the PB, but that's negotiable. Comment here or PM the journal.
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[02 Feb 2015|08:35pm]
[info]demoniac alexander ludwig, avan jogia, liam hemsworth, nico tortorella, stephen james hendry, and parker hurley for a few lines. chloe bennet just because
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[02 Feb 2015|09:10pm]
Could I get a possible home for this boy? He can be modified to fit into a game or even to help fill a line. Feel free to hit me up with suggestions!
AIM: whiskeygage
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[02 Feb 2015|09:11pm]
Does or would anyone write any tennis players femme? Or want a line against one? Or barring that, femme for anyone in my journal?
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[02 Feb 2015|10:24pm]
I'm seeking a second (human) pet for this vampire Prince over at [info]bitethebigapple.

Some details can be found here; basically I'm looking for an older character (30s to 40s) who's been with my vampire for several years at minimum and is very settled and comfortable in the pet role. Jude Law would be all kinds of awesome but I'm fairly open on PBs as long as they can fit the age window.

Additionally, I could use someone to fill the role of his former lover/companion (male or female) and of a new slave in his household who acts out and tends to draw his anger (female). More details on both can be found in this post.
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[02 Feb 2015|10:31pm]
femme or futa (against) for her? journals only.
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[02 Feb 2015|10:37pm]
Some guys to take some dick tonight? Or I have a few superbowl inspired pb or celeb lines (along with many others non superbowl inspired) if you wanna get kinky with the plot. Would probably love you for Chris Evans, Tyler Posey, or Mehcad Brooks
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