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[24 Jun 2012|12:57am]
Looking for a male to play opposite of this porn star at [info]diefightingmod. Face is open. Maybe he's a cop or someone who just wants to "save" Ronny.
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[24 Jun 2012|02:14am]
would anyone pb dolly parton or danni ashe for a darker femme line?
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[24 Jun 2012|04:46am]
Always a long shot, but perhaps a Tom Hardy to play her brother? Could be step, if preferred. I'd also settle for him not being related to her at all. Other men are welcome as well! Just looking for some long term threading based private lines that don't die off before they start. I will admit, I cannot reply every single day, so you would need a bit of patience with me (sometimes I can take up to a week to reply) but I will have the same patience with you and won't hound you if you don't reply after a day or two. I may nudge you after a couple of weeks, but I would expect you to do the same if I don't reply for that long.

I do have a couple of ideas in mind, most are pretty rough though and would actually need to be elaborated on.
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[24 Jun 2012|05:30am]
Looking for het PSL's for Hayden here. Celeb or an original character. Doesn't matter. Any age work for me. Just don't be a flake who die before we're even done discussing the line.

AIM (haydpan), journals or via email.
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[24 Jun 2012|09:38am]
Torchwood psl? Gwen/Ianto or Gwen/Jack. AIM, IJ, LJ. Open to plots.
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[24 Jun 2012|09:54am]
[info]scopata kind of a long shot but would anyone be willing to play Michael Cassidy or Ryan Hansen in a smutty line against Danneel?
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[24 Jun 2012|01:30pm]
looking for more or less a darker (maybe abuse) line. or a smut line with kinks that my girl would be getting used to. she'd be the submissive one, though she can play dirty when she feels the need. she's full of surprises. that and i play a handful of girls and a few guys as well if you don't want her.
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[24 Jun 2012|01:31pm]
Looking for a female character to fill a long-term (or mid-term?) kinky, fluffy threading line. I'd like to explore a line between a very kinky male and his new girlfriend. He doesn't usually look for dates outside the kink community, because then there's that awkward moment of saying "hey, so, can I spank you?" and all, but when he met her, he just couldn't help being smitten. Now they've been going for a while, they're ready for intimacy, and he's got to figure out how to bring up his sexual needs and hope they don't send her running for the hills.

Specifically, I'm looking for someone willing to play out a slow introduction to kink, which would include stuff that doesn't normally get played out, like negotiations and aftercare. I'd like to explore the evolution of a relationship between someone kinky and someone discovering kink, and to play out her introduction over several sessions, rather than just "bam, and then he threw every kinky thing at her at once."

I prefer AIM for plotting and threads for playing. I have samples up on my journal if you'd like a gander at my writing style. Comments will be screened if you want to leave an AIM name.
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[24 Jun 2012|01:39pm]
A het psl for a Taylor Swift PB?
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[24 Jun 2012|01:40pm]
a man/woman to take control of my girl here?
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[24 Jun 2012|02:31pm]
Please ignore the journal but would anyone be interested in a brother/sister or (step)father/daughter private line?
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[24 Jun 2012|03:15pm]
Slash and/ or monster lines, please. Willing to fill lines. The darker the better. My characters can be horrible people sometimes. Supernatural preferred. Oh, and please don't make me do all the work in the line.
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[24 Jun 2012|03:19pm]
I'd like something to fill my time today. Something of the darker variety, please. Possibly even supernatural if anyone is game? Forbidden love is also a big plus. Something along the lines of Cersei and Jaime Lannister? Something period related would be amazing. I'm open. Het or femme. I just want some good plot driven smut.
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[24 Jun 2012|05:25pm]
[info]scopata [info]djusbieber to apply!
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x-posted! [24 Jun 2012|06:20pm]
Trina is: a single, particular-slash-picky busybody on her needs and wants from a person and place. She'd ask for sane, but yeah, we deal with wrestlers and "talent"...to join her in the ever-continuing search for peace, happiness, and a Giants pennant.

Also, a home would be super, however likely found. Random scene friendly, beer and seafood enjoying talent appreciated, and definitely for the non-judgemental. AIM coming soon!
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[24 Jun 2012|07:34pm]
something for aubrey plaza? customs, please!
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[24 Jun 2012|08:37pm]
some love for this girl kink welcome
het or femme.
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